Seaside Seduction (Sun Stroked Book 1)

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Book: Seaside Seduction (Sun Stroked Book 1) by Cathryn Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Fox
hurting her. “Shit, Dani, I’m sorry,” he whispered, slowing his pace. He reached around and ripped the vines from her arms, releasing her.
    She wrapped her hands around his neck. “No, don’t stop, Ethan.”
    “I’m hurting you.”
    She shook her head, her hands racing over his arms, his chest. “Take what you need, Ethan, please. It’s what I need, too.”
    When he hesitated, she bucked against him, encouraging him to continue. Once again he picked up his pace, driving into her with frenzied need, his cock ready to explode as her pussy sucked him in deeper. Her muscles clenched around him, her liquid heat singed his dick. She threw her head back and cried out his name. She rode him hard and long as her orgasm took hold.
    An unexpected rush of emotions rolled through him and suddenly it felt like time had slowed, just for the two of them.Everything in him softened, tenderness stealing over him as he watched her. “That’s it, Dani. Come for me again,” he whispered into her mouth. He loved watching her come, the way her eyes lit, the way her mouth opened and closed, and the way she called out his name with such longing, such passion.
    His own orgasm came on the heels of hers. He pushed deep and stilled, letting his seed splash up inside her.
    She squeezed her sex muscles, milking him. He growled and concentrated on each pulse of pleasure.
    His lips found hers. “Dani, that feels so fucking good.”
    “So good,” she whispered back. “So damn amazing, Ethan.”
    He buried his face in her neck and held her against the tree for a long time. When her legs slipped from his backside, Ethan stepped away from the tree, hauling her with him. He collapsed onto his back, positioning Dani on top of him and keeping her body off the damp ground.
    As they lay there for a long moment, Ethan ran his fingers through her hair, staring at the mosaic of stars overhead.
    After a while, he angled his head to see her. She glanced at him, her eyes drowsy, sated. He offered her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. That was pretty intense. I didn’t mean to get so carried away.” He shook his head. “That’s never happened to me before.”
    “Don’t be sorry. I got pretty carried away, too, and that’s never happened to me before, either. But I liked it.” She grinned and added, “A lot.”
    “Did I hurt you?”
    “It’s a good hurt,” she said, then stretched like a satisfied cat. A long, thoughtful moment later, she teased, “So I guess the elixir really does work.”
    “Oh, yeah? How so?”
    She ran her index finger over his nipple. “Well, the minute I set eyes on you this afternoon, I knew you were my fantasy man. The one man who could take control and give me what I needed.”
    He chuckled. “Ah, but you met me before you drank the elixir, sweetheart.”
    She squirmed on top of him, inching upward. “But maybe it was the elixir that gave me the courage to tell you what I wanted.” Ethan shifted her against his body. Suddenly, Dani paused and opened her eyes wide.
    “What is it?” Ethan asked.
    Pulling a face, she eased herself up on her arms. “It just occurred to me that this position might hurt your leg.” Once again he glanced into her eyes and saw concern, not pity.
    He pulled her back. “You’re only a lightweight, babe.” After a moment of silence, he said, “I don’t think it was the elixir that brought us together. I’m pretty sure I had my mind set on ravishing you anyway.”
    She laughed and cut her hand through the air. “So you still don’t believe in the magic of the elixir, or the magic of the island?”
    “No.” Then again, after the shrapnel had shattered his femur, he never thought he’d feel like his old self again. He never thought he’d feel in control, and for a while there she had given that control back to him. He pulled her in tighter, so he could appreciate how she felt in his arms. And after he’d buried himself in her tight heat, he’d totally fucking lost control

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