Seaside Seduction (Sun Stroked Book 1)

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Book: Seaside Seduction (Sun Stroked Book 1) by Cathryn Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Fox
feel her legs buckle and knew it was time to take her over. He rolled the tip of his finger over her G-spot. “Come in my mouth,” he commanded, giving her the permission she was seeking. “Now.”
    As soon as the words left his mouth, her sex muscles fluttered, powerful waves rolled through her pussy and her sweet cream poured over his chin.
    “Ethan…” she whispered.
    “That’s a girl.” Exquisite sensations ripped through him as he lapped up her feminine juices. “Let me taste you.” He stayed between her legs for a long time, listening to her ragged breathing. After she was thoroughly cleaned, he continued to lave her pussy until her juices stirred once again, preparing her for his thick cock.
    He slid up her body, crushing himself against her, his cock pushing against her hip. His mouth found hers and he kissed her hard, driving his tongue into her mouth.
    “Ethan, please, I want your cock.”
    “Do you want to suck it?” he asked.
    He took heavy breaths and drove his cock harder against her. “Do you like to suck cock, Dani?”
    She nodded, and it was all he could do not to throw her to her knees and jam his cock into her mouth. He growled, before racing his hands over her with an aroused edginess. He needed her so badly he ached, and he knew he wouldn’t last long if she sucked him. “I need to fuck you first, Dani.”
    “Oh, God, yes,” she cried out.
    Forgetting about his mangled leg, he stepped back and stripped off his clothes. He watched the way her hungry eyes devoured him with longing.
    “You’re beautiful,” she murmured, struggling against the vines. “Let me touch your cock.”
    As he stepped toward her, reality inched its way into his lust-fogged brain. His fucked- up leg was bare, exposed. He stilled his movements. His gut twisted. Fuck.
    As her gaze raked over him, he glanced into her eyes, but he didn’t see pity there. All he saw was desire. Her expression was filled with pure adoration.
    For him.
    Warmth and something else, something he couldn’t describe, sang through his veins. He stood there trying to remember how to breathe, with the longing in her eyes wreaking havoc on his emotions.
    “Condoms?” she whispered, her sweet voice pulling him back.
    Oh, fuck, why hadn’t he thought of condoms? Ethan swallowed and shook his head, noting the way Dani’s breath was coming in small bursts. He touched her face. “Dani, I haven’t been with anyone in a long time and I’m clean. I promise you.”
    “Me, too,” she returned, her eyes full of trust. “And Ethan, I really need to feel you inside me. No barriers.”
    Warmth and longing seeped under his skin. He dragged her into his arms and poised his cock at her entrance. She wiggled against him, his cock breaching her opening.
    “Fuck me, Ethan,” she said. “Hard.”
    With wild abandon he pushed all the way up inside her, lifting her feet clear off the ground. Their cries of pleasure merged as he drove into her, harder and harder, not stopping to think he could be hurting her. He needed to be deeper, to drive his balls up inside her, to bury himself inside her and stay there forever. He drew air, grasping to understand what was happening to him. He’d never lost control with a woman like this before.
    For some reason he couldn’t get enough of her. Couldn’t get deep enough. He felt disoriented, dizzy. His thoughts scattered like the wildlife. He pounded into her, filling her with his impressive girth. She wrapped her legs around his waist, opening herself wider. Stabbing his cock into her heat, he groaned and slammed her body against the tree, taking everything he could get and giving everything he could give. Pain and pleasure mingled into one.
    He’d never felt so crazed, so driven by lust, by need. He plunged harder, and each powerful jab edged on painful. His breath came in short, harsh bursts as his whole body shook with blinding pleasure.
    He glanced into her damp eyes. Oh, Christ, he was fucking

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