Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Prologue

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Book: Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Prologue by Kaze no Umi Meikyuu no Kishi Book 1 Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaze no Umi Meikyuu no Kishi Book 1
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east, which was also the eastern boundary of the palace.
    The top of the enormous, strangely-shaped crag could not be seen, and the bottom extended into a gorge of  an unknown depth. Most people could not walk its complex, intertwining terrain.
    On the inner side of the terrace, there was a gradual slope, the area of which was wider the closer it got.
    At some point, it diverged into a countless number of small paths, and at another point it converged into one  path. This path was cut off firmly by the gate that Taiki had just seen at the end of the maze.
    A steep mountain peak stood on the northern side of the maze. The cliff wall of the steep mountain, as  well as the soaring peak that extended past the clouds included no easy way to climb, even for Sanshi.
    The eastern and northern sides were protected by towering cliff walls, so those who wanted to visit  Houro Palace must first enter through that gate, and then walk the correct route through the maze in order to  reach their destination.
    Taiki left Sanshi's embrace and, standing on the crag, he looked back behind him.
    On the southern and eastern sides outside of the maze of the palace, the confusing terrain continued.
    The inside and outside of the maze formed a single gigantic labyrinth. Even with Taiki looking at it  from above, he wasn't clear where the border between the two actually was.
    However, the terrain on the outside did look slightly simpler than that of the inside. The small paths  were wider and the open areas were much bigger. If someone walking in the middle of it mastered the  direction of the sun, they should be able to reach Houro Palace.
    Taiki was thinking these things as he looked around, when he saw an emerald green glimmer coming  from somewhere a far distance down the mountain.
    "Sanshi, what's over there?" Taiki asked as he pointed. Sanshi looked in that direction with her round  eyes.
    "Hoto Palace..."
    "There are palaces outside of the gate?"
    Sanshi nodded. "Outer palaces."
    In this way, Taiki was looking at the maze, when a strong gust of wind blew at them. He looked around  and saw no oceans around, but the wind had carried with it the smell of the sea.
    "What's wrong?" Sanshi couldn't help but ask, seeing Taiki stare into the distance as he stood in the  wind. Sanshi did not speak up to ask him questions very often, so that meant that he appeared to be  completely lost in thought.
    "Sanshi, did you have to transform in order to look like you do now? Or were you born this way?"
    Sanshi gently stroked his head. "Nyokai cannot transform. Transformation requires a special power in  order to perform."
    "Changing your outward appearance is not a very easy thing to do. There are youma that are capable of  it, but their magical powers are extremely strong. Even monarchs may not be able to control them."
    "They are creatures that possess supernatural powers and do not listen to the will of the heavens."
    "Are nyokai also youma?"
    Sanshi shook her head. "Nyokai are creatures that are between humans and youju, called nin'you or  youjin. The special ones born on Mt. Hou are called nyokai."
    "Then... are kirin considered youju?"
    Sanshi revealed to Taiki an expression that no one else had ever had a chance to see. "Kirin definitely  possess powers, but we don't call kirin by the name youju. Kirin are shinju, divine beasts."
    "Because in this world, only gods and monarchs are nobler than the kirin. More particularly, only the  Taiou, Lady Seioubo and Tentei hold a higher status than you."
    "I...don't quite understand."
    Sanshi brushed his hair. "Then just remember that since Seioubo and Tentei don't usually come down  from the Heavens, you will probably never have a chance to meet them. Thus, the only one who is nobler  than you is the Taiou."
    "Then what about everyone else? Doesn't Lady Gyokuyou have a higher status than me?"
    "If you can call her by the name Gyokuyou, that means that you and

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