Sci Spanks
intimate spots exposed to his gaze, she clutched the covers that remained on the bed and held her breath, waiting for the first searing spank.
    Roc cupped her bottom and caressed her cheeks, his hands moving dangerously close to her aching center. A drop of moisture escaped her pussy, and she gasped as he traced the wetness along her inner thigh. It didn’t help that beneath her, she felt his cock growing larger and harder within the confines of his pants. Her breasts ached and her entire body pulsed with need for Roc.
    “If we have to repeat this lesson again,” he said, moving to cup her bottom once more, “I will take the strap to you, Anya.”
    The first blow fell, a sting blazing across her entire left cheek. He spanked her right cheek next, and set a rhythm moving back and forth. Left. Right. Left. Right. Her backside throbbed with the quick intensity of the slaps, and after the first dozen landed she began to squirm and kick her feet. Through it all, he held her securely over his lap, no matter how hard she fought him. He pressed his free hand to her lower back, and eventually he pinned her flailing legs beneath one of his.
    Being careless enough to put a pregnant ebbra under the covers had been wrong, she knew that. The hundreds of babies running around could’ve done serious damage to their home. Besides that, she felt remorseful for having played a prank on Roc, just to hear him scream. She supposed that had been a little mean of her.
    Finally, an eternity later, he stopped spanking and rested his hand against her flaming bottom. His gentleness made her quiver and caused the tears brimming in her eyes to spill out, trickling down her face. She sniffled and lifted her head, blinking rapidly in an effort to calm her swirling emotions. But most of all, she was crying because the spanking had been intimate. It connected them and reminded her of how much he cared about her. He’d set rules for her, and if she disobeyed or endangered herself, she got punished. He didn’t hold grudges or allow a disagreement to keep them apart.
    Roc turned her over and gathered her in his arms, surrounding her with his love and strength. Her heart swelled as she leaned into his chest and breathed in his masculine scent. The soft kiss he placed on her forehead as he cradled her wrought another batch of tears to fall, and he wiped the moisture away with his thumbs as he stared into her eyes.
    “No more lizards?” he asked.
    Peering up at him, Anya could have sworn amusement was flickering in his eyes and a smile was tugging at his lips. “No more lizards,” she agreed, staring at him in wonderment. The lines around his eyes were crinkling. She gasped. “You’re smiling!”
    His grin widened. “Yes, because I’m happy.”
    Confusion whirled within her. “Happy?”
    “Happy with you, my little wife. Despite your little pranks and constant stubbornness, you’ve…grown on me, Anya.”
    Her heart pounded with the significance of his confession. He wasn’t a human with human notions of love. She’d accepted that long ago, before she’d even met the Raxian her father had arranged for her to marry in order to help her escape a war-torn Earth. Warmth and light filled her as she stared up at him, and she returned his smile.
    “You’ve grown on me too.” She traced circles on his bare chest and held his gaze as the profound intimacy of the moment washed over her.
    Lust glimmered in his Roc’s eyes as his smile faded, his muscles tensing as he leaned down to capture her lips in a tender kiss. She knew he was restraining himself, holding back so he didn’t hurt her. The aching between her thighs increased as her need for him grew, and she dug her nails into his arms and lost herself in the kiss. He broke away with a growl and placed her on her feet, shedding his pants as he urged her to bend over the bed.
    “Not only have you grown on me, Anya, but I can’t seem to get enough of you,” he said in a voice thick with

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