School of Deaths

Read Online School of Deaths by Christopher Mannino - Free Book Online

Book: School of Deaths by Christopher Mannino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Mannino
Tags: ya fantasy
You’ll find a ton of openings around the College or in the villages.”
    “I just want to get through the year.”
    “Let me take your plate,” said Jason. He seemed less inward today, though he still stared at the floor more than he looked up.
    “Thank you, Jason. I’ll help clean up too.”
    “Rain sounds like it’s letting up,” said Billy. “We can head out in a little while, and go around the campus a bit. Or we can stay here. It’s up to you two. I’m supposed to be showing you around.”
    “You showed us a lot yesterday,” said Suzie. “I liked climbing the Tower.”
    “I’m glad.” He broke off as someone knocked at the door. Billy looked at Suzie and Jason but neither moved. He rose.
    “Yes?” he asked, opening the door a crack.
    “I’ve seen you around,” said a boy’s voice. “You’re Billy, right?”
    “We had Theory together last year. I’m Frank.”
    “Yes, I remember now. What do you want?”
    “May I come in for a second?”
    Billy opened the door, and Frank walked in. Suzie realized he was the same skinny Death who had smiled at her yesterday. He had freckles and dark brown eyes, almost black. He reminded her a little of herself, with dark hair and freckles. His hair was blacker than ink, it almost looked fake. A cluster of pimples on his cheeks and nose combined with the freckles giving him a mottled appearance. He smiled again, brushing strands of wet hair out of his eyes.
    “What do you want?” asked Billy.
    “I’m sorry for the guys yesterday,” he said. “A lot of them, especially the later years, well they’re freaked she’s here.”
    “Yes, and?” said Billy, his expression icy.
    “Well.” He turned to Suzie. “I wanted to tell you we’re not all like that. Some of us admire your bravery. Takes guts just to be here.”
    “Thank you. I’m Suzie.”
    “I’m Frank.” They shook hands. “Not every Death here will be mean to you. Some of us accept you.”
    “How’d you find out she lives here?” Billy seemed suspicious. Had he forgotten the smile yesterday?
    “I asked Hann. Look, if you want me to go—”
    “No,” said Suzie. “Sit please, make yourself comfortable.”
    “Thank you.”
    “You’ve met other Deaths who don’t mind that I’m here?”
    Frank hesitated, sitting awkwardly on the side of the couch. “Yes,” he said. “Not too many, and most won’t admit right away. Sometimes people like to blend in.”
    Jason snorted a short laugh.
    “You are a normal person, even if you’re a girl,” said Frank. “Yes, others agree with me.”
    “And why didn’t they come as well?” asked Billy.
    “I asked some of my friends to, but like I said, people like to blend in.”
    “It’s fine,” said Suzie. Despite Billy’s hesitation, she trusted Frank. She sensed something kind and familiar about him. “You’re a second-year student like Billy?”
    “Do you like being a Death?”
    Frank turned to her with a puzzled expression. “Doesn’t matter if I like it or not,” he said. “I’m here.”
    “I wondered if you were getting used to this place, or if you still missed home.” She sighed. “I miss home.”
    “This is home now,” said Frank. “And being a Death, well, I guess I do enjoy it, at times.”
    “You ready for term? Starts tomorrow,” said Billy.
    “I am ready. I don’t like summer, gets boring. And we’ve got boskery this year.”
    “What team are you hoping for?” Billy’s expression changed, and he smiled.
    “Dragon Seekers. Angus Wright told me he’d keep an eye on me.”
    “Francois Martin told me the same. I guess I’ll be competing with you at try-outs.”
    “Frenchie?” asked Frank. “You guys friends?”
    “Not friends, not exactly. We worked together in Applications a bit.”
    “He’s an interesting guy,” said Frank. He turned to Suzie. “And he’s one of the ones I’d avoid. Been saying a lot of things against women, ever since word got out that a girl was

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