Saving Her: BWWM Interracial Romance

Read Online Saving Her: BWWM Interracial Romance by Mandi Moane, BWWM Team - Free Book Online

Book: Saving Her: BWWM Interracial Romance by Mandi Moane, BWWM Team Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandi Moane, BWWM Team
Tags: bwwm interracial romance
the car.
    “I'm going to walk you to your door,” he said.
    We got out of his fine ride and walked toward the entrance to my building. Before we made it, Ron stumbled up. He was drunk as fuck.
    “Hey, bitch,” he slurred, pointing an accusing finger at me. “I thought you had no money for me.”
    Mike stepped forward and put himself between Ron and myself. “I take it you're Ron?”
    “And you her new pimp with that pimped out ride?”
    “Watch that mouth.” This time, Mike was pointing a finger.
    “Stop it, you two. I have to get in to my baby. If you don't leave, Ron, I'm calling the cops. I'm done.”
    He started to wander away.
    “Are you okay?” Mike asked.
    “Yeah. I need to go, but I had a great time.”
    “Me too. We're gonna have to burn those calories off you next week.”
    I smiled again. My cheeks were getting tired. I couldn't remember the last time I had smiled so much in a single evening. Before he started to walk away, I walked forward and hugged his hard body. When his arms wrapped around me and squeezed, I felt safe. We broke apart, but before I slipped too far away, I leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek.
    “Goodnight, Mike,” I said then turned to go inside.
    Raquel stayed for a little while to hear about my big date. I wanted to keep her around as a witness in case Ron came back, but after fifteen minutes, I figured he was gone and sent Raquel home a few buildings down. I peeked my head in Edward's room and saw him sleeping. He was so peaceful. After a moment of staring at my son, I crept back into the living room and quickly fell asleep on the couch.

    The next day, when Edward woke me up to turn his cartoons on and make him breakfast, I swore to myself that I was going to get back on track. While the time with Mike was a nice break, Ron showing up in my life was not a good thing. I had to buckle down and work even harder. I couldn't take the teasing from friends and family making fun of me for even being interested in another white man.
    As a made some oatmeal and raisins, my phone blew up with messages from Ron and Mike. Instead of answering, I ignored them both and resolved to get back in gear. My priorities were Edward and graduating and becoming an RN. Anything else had to take a back seat. The life of a single mom trying to make it wasn't easy, and I needed everything I had to succeed.
    Raquel showed up soon after breakfast, and I got ready to leave for work. I couldn't wait to be stop working as a CNA. I didn't have anything against the elderly and others who needed care in their home, but I wanted to take the next step toward my goal of becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. When I stepped out of my apartment and walked outside, Ron was waiting in ambush for me again.
    “What the fuck?” I asked then glared at him. He didn't appear to care at all.
    “You got that money, yo?”
    “Quit talking like that,” I hissed.
    I wanted to yell, but I didn't want to cause a scene. He followed behind me as I made my way to the bus stop. Surprisingly, he had change for the fare. I made sure to sit next to someone so he couldn't park himself next to me then glared at him as the bus lurched forward. He just smiled. At my stop, I got out and he followed me. I whirled around after getting off the bus and said, “Go away.”
    “What about some money? You doing good. You owe me support.”
    “No, I don't. You're supposed to be helping me with money because I'm raising Edward.”
    “How my son doing?”
    I shook my head from side to side slowly. “You need to leave.”
    He continued to follow me as I made my way to my patient's house. I hoped he didn't have enough nerve to come up to the door with me, but I was quickly disappointed. Inside was my most difficult patient. I'd been reprimanded twice already for other things that had been out of my control – like missing a bus and arriving late. Mr. Hotchkins was not a nice old man.
    After I rang the doorbell, I

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