Saving Ella

Read Online Saving Ella by Kirsty Dallas - Free Book Online

Book: Saving Ella by Kirsty Dallas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsty Dallas
Tags: Romance, Young Adult
She was very pretty though and you would have to be blind not to see the eager look in your eyes just now.” I shook my head, still incensed that she would suggest I would try something inappropriate with Ella. I left her office. I needed a greasy breakfast, a toothbrush and a shave.
                  The previous night’s storm had left a thick cover of snow. Thankfully Dave had already shoveled the footpath and the entrance into the parking bay out back. I headed straight for The Pit Stop for a breakfast that would contain enough oil to grease your motor or in my case my stomach wall. Benny was behind the counter arguing with someone about the price of milk. Benny always found someone willing to gripe about inflation to. I took a seat at the counter as a steaming mug of coffee was pushed my way. Man I loved The Pit Stop. I didn’t even have to open my mouth unless it was to eat or drink.             
                  “Damn Jax, I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” came a familiar sultry voice behind me. For some reason today that voice rubbed me up the wrong way.
                  “Mornin’ Selena.” I took a long sip of my coffee, hoping to infuse some life into my bone tired body. She slipped onto the seat beside me and I chanced a quick look. As usual, she was stunning. Blonde hair in a perfect pony tail, makeup flawless, wearing a knock out dress that enhanced her assets flawlessly, but today, it didn’t make my blood boil with lust.
                  “I caught Beth downtown and she told me you were at home, and when I couldn’t find you there I went by the warehouse and Mercy said you’d just left. I saw your car out front. Pure luck I found you.” She was smiling those deep red lips at me, looking through those thick lashes and seductive eyes, and I didn’t want her. I hated how she referred to the shelter as a warehouse. Sure it was in fact a warehouse, a nicely converted warehouse that I had worked on for months. But she had no respect for what it represented or the women who took refuge there.
                  “I’m on my way home just stopped for some fuel.” A plate of greasy bacon, sausages, eggs and hash brown’s slid my way. “Supremely perfect as usual Benny,” I ginned. He nodded my way as he continued his pointless argument with some old guy at the end of the counter. I stabbed some bacon, sausage and egg and then lined it up for my mouth. When a soft hand stopped my progress I was more than a little irritated.
                  “Jax, that is so bad for you. It will clog your arteries and give you a heart attack.” That got Benny’s attention. How many times had Benny had the grease and heart attack argument?
                  “Or I could just get hit by a bus as I leave. At least if that happens, I will die a happy man with a full stomach.” The hand was nudged aside, the food and grease promptly shoved in my mouth. Benny was back to arguing inflation and Selena pouted. It was supposed to be cute, but to be honest it just pissed me off. She had nothing to pout about. She had it good, family, money, education and a nice little job as a legal secretary. Sure, her mother and father were a little hard on her sometimes, pushed her, but she needed that push to even attempt to do something with her life. She could do or be anything and I was pretty confident that without the nudge from her family she would be a professional shop-a-holic. A fucking spoiled brat. I was in a mood today and if Selena wasn’t careful, she would be on the receiving end of some snarky man-grump.
                  “I thought we should catch up tonight. I could bring around some Indian, wine, maybe a movie?” This was code for I’ll bring dinner and alcohol if you fuck me senseless. And usually I would be right on board. Not today though and I hated Indian. I hated wine even

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