Saved by Submission

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Book: Saved by Submission by Laney Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laney Rogers
Tags: Erotic Romance, BDSM
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and she gave a small gasp when he thrust one of them up into her pussy.
    “You’re so wet, sweetheart. I think your body has won out over your mind.”
    He let his finger slide in and out of her, and then brush over her clit, and her legs tensed; an erotic kind of burn spreading through her entire body. When he took his hand away and stood, she felt the loss, and gave a small whine of frustration.
    He gave a deep laugh. “Patience, sub. This is only the beginning.”
    His words started a throbbing deep inside her core, and her eyes never left Jacob’s face as he stood and raised his hand in front of her.
    “Lick my fingers clean, sub, and then we can begin.”
    Their eyes met, and after just a second’s pause, she bent her head and took each finger, in turn, deep into her mouth, sucking her own juices from his hand.
    When she’d finished, she raised her head, and he replaced his fingers with his lips, plunging his tongue inside her hot, wet mouth, tasting her arousal as he did so.
    He released her, and she watched him walk back towards the wall, this time stopping at a small table to choose a flogger from the selection that had been left there for the patrons to use. It was as if there was no one else in the club. Her mind and body were completely focused on Jacob.
    When he returned to stand right behind her, she jumped when the fabric of his jeans touch her bare bottom.
    He swept her hair over her shoulder so her back was entirely exposed, and gently kissed the back of her neck, making the tiny hairs there stand up on end.
    Megan sensed him taking a step back, and she tensed, waiting for the implement of torture to connect with her skin, sure that it was going to hurt, but determined to stick it out.
    But she was wrong. The falls of the soft, deer-skinned flogger were like a caress, moving so lightly over her sensitive skin, that it made her shiver with delight, up and down her back, and then over her bottom.
    Jacob let the flogger tease and stroke her, and he saw her visibly relax and let herself go to the rhythm he was creating. He used a figure of eight technique, and after just a couple of minutes, she could feel her skin start to warm into a light pink.
    He concentrated on her bottom, her own arousal growing in intensity when she pushed her ass out, discovering her need to feel the touch of the flogger.
    His strokes grew harder, and Megan hitched a breath; the falls thudding harder onto her skin. But, amazingly, after a minute, the pain seemed to cross over into a kind of pleasure, and she closed her eyes, losing herself in the sensations she was feeling.
    Her pussy throbbed with increasing desire, and her muscles seemed to tighten with the anticipation of where he would flog her next. Jacob moved from her back to her front, and when the falls came down lightly on her breasts, Megan moaned, her eyes still closed.
    Her nipples bunched and turned a rosy red, and when he moved down her body, flicking between her open legs, she gasped, her clit burning with a need so strong, she thought she might come right there, in front of him.
    Jacob lowered the flogger and took a step closer to her, standing with her eyes shut, so obviously lost in the moment.
    He bent his head and whispered in her ear. “You look beautiful, all pink and aroused. I think you are wrong, sweetheart. From what I can see, you enjoy a little pain.”
    When she opened her eyes they were glazed, but she gave him a contented smile.
    “I…I didn’t know it could feel like that. Everything felt so… amazing…” She stopped in mid-sentence, not quite knowing how to describe what she had experienced.
    “Well, we haven’t finished quite yet, little Megan.”
    With that, he tossed the flogger on the floor, and knelt down in front of her. His hair tickled her lower stomach, and then her thighs.
    Suddenly she became acutely aware of the other people close by. “Oh God, surely he wasn’t going to go down on her…not right here, in front of

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