“Has Father arrived?”
She sighs heavily. “How would I know? I don’t track your father, but I can tell you that Ben is here and is looking forward to seeing you.”
“Mother, I wish you would stop tracking Ben as well. You really need to get over this. I have no desire to see him and you need to quit forcing him on me. It isn’t going to happen.”
I cringe when I see him approaching, and someone else calls my name. I turn to see Brooke coming over, surely to discuss my next book. She is a big time blogger and promotion expert. She works with only bestsellers to make sure their books are heavily promoted. While I am greeting her Bella excuses herself to go network and find her next big contract.
Brooke air kisses both my cheeks.
“Mother, excuse us, please,” I say and walk away, unhappy with her attempt to hook me back up with that asshole.
“Joan tells me you have submitted a few chapters of your next book,” Brooke says, practically drooling over getting the promo deal.
“I have but it’s really nowhere near done. She’s rushing me and doesn’t realize that only makes it harder to write.”
“You know how it is in this business. The readers want fresh stuff to read and we need great authors like you to provide it!”
“Thank you, and I’m glad you’re enjoying my writing, but like I told Joan it takes time and she has to let me do my thing. I’ll definitely have her touch base with you about a promo deal when the time comes, though.”
“I would really appreciate that. I know you weren’t too happy with the last promo company your agent used and I would love the opportunity to work with you.”
“Touch base with Joan this week. Tell her that you and I spoke tonight and that I promised you the chance to bid on the promo of the next book. Show her what you’ve got and what your ideas are and I’ll set up a meeting with her to go over it.”
“Thank you so much, Ms. Fitzgerald.”
“I’m not promising we’ll pick you, but we’ll at least discuss it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I see my father and I would like to go say hi.”
“Of course, have a great night!”
I’m halfway across the room to speak to my father when Ben steps in front of me. “Patricia, why are you ignoring me?”
“That’s simple, I have nothing to say to you, Ben.”
“You may have nothing to say to me, but I have a lot to say to you. I really wish you would hear me out. You know you still want me. I know you haven’t been with anyone since we broke up. I bet you’re hoping I’ll come crawling back to you, begging for forgiveness,” he says, stepping closer to me.
My brows shoot up in shock. “You disgust me. You think because you’re attractive and you have your daddy’s money you can put your hands on a woman and then just apologize and all will be okay. Well let me tell you, I don’t care how attractive you are or how much money you have. No one puts their hands on me. We’re through.”
I quickly make my escape, walking up to my father. “Daddy!” I call out to get his attention.
He hugs me. “How are you, pumpkin?”
“I’m good, Daddy.
“You look stunning,” he says proudly.
“Thanks, Daddy. You’re looking quite handsome yourself.”
“Thanks, pumpkin. What is going on with you and Ben?” he asks full of concern.
I roll my eyes. “He can’t understand that we’re done. I don’t want to see him anymore and he seems to think he can convince me otherwise.”
He shakes his head and I change the subject. “Daddy, is your lake house being used at all over the next few months?”
“No, pumpkin, it’s all yours. I just want to know when you will be there so I can check on you.”
“You mean like the man you put in Mr. Montgomery’s house?” I raise my eyebrow at him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh you don’t, huh?”
He’s saved by the announcement that it’s time to take our seats for dinner. He wraps his arm through mine and escorts
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