Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3)

Read Online Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3) by L.M. Fry - Free Book Online

Book: Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3) by L.M. Fry Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.M. Fry
giving Lawly a chance to stop them. Professor Scrod opened the relic room door, and the crowd of technicians parted to let the girls through. Each of them bowed as the girls passed them. It was a strange feeling – to be acknowledged, to be given respect, to be adored. Most of her life had been a struggle for her father’s attention, which he never gave her. Even though she hadn’t performed like Theo, the people didn’t discriminate between the three girls. Theo, Valera, and Julia were one.
    With one final look back, Julia saw Lawly still inside the relic room, arguing with Professor Scrod. Julia thought it odd, but kept it to herself. She may not have a handle on her powers yet, but she was still the strongest of the three. In the end, she’d be the one to protect Valera and Theo. She helped Theo to her room.
    “I’ll just lay down for a little while,” Theo murmured.
    “If you need me holler. I’m just going to hang out in my room for a while,” Julia said. Their time in the lab had taken a toll on her as well as Theo. Before leaving, she added, “Good job in there.”
    Theo smiled, and Julia went to her room. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she bathed herself in aether. Theo had shown her just how powerful they all were, and now all she needed to do was tap into that power. She just needed practice. If Theo and Valera could do it, then so could she. She was as intelligent as Theo and Valera – regardless of what Lawly thought.
    She focused on aether and waved her hands around. Her breath came out in puffy white steam. The room cooled.
    “Ice… Ice… Ice…” she chanted.
    The tips of her fingers turned an iridescent blue. She was doing it. Redoubling her efforts, she envisioned icicles. A small crystal of ice grew out of her hand. She squealed and nearly lost her concentration. Then, her doorknob turned and Eli burst into the room.
    “Hey there… whoa it’s freezing in here!”
    The ice fizzled into nothing. Angry, she threw a pillow at him. He caught it.
    “You just ruined everything!”
    “Chill, I didn’t mean to interrupt… whatever this was.” He smirked.
    He thought he was so witty. He was an egomaniacal dimwit.
    “Do you always just burst into people’s rooms? Who do you think you are?” She ranted.
    He shut the door. “Parmelia told me to keep an eye on you, remember?” He shrugged, “Besides I heard that you had some trouble in the lab. I just came to give you a message.”
    “Who told you that? I didn’t have any trouble.” She sat up and crossed her arms. “Well? What’s the message?”
    “Dr. Lawless wants to see you in the ballroom in twenty minutes. He said you need extra help.”
    She was tired of Dr. Lawless. He made her feel so… pathetic. Besides, she was doing better alone in her room. And who was Eli to Dr. Lawless? She thought Parmelia sent him, but now he’s all buddy-buddy with Lawly? Her suspicions were on full alert.
    “What, are you Dr. Lawless’ lackey now?”
    Eli sighed and crossed his arms. “I’m not anyone’s lackey. Are you always this stubborn?”
    Julia gripped the bed covers and clenched her jaw. She refused to answer his insulting question. If he wanted to play games, then fine. She was above such childishness.
    “Well, I’m not feeling well. I’ll have to miss the meeting,” Julia feigned, flopping back on the bed and pulling a cover over her.
    “Nice try. You’re going,” Eli stated. “I’m not going to be the one to tell Dr. Lawless you’re too pigheaded to go.”
    Julia glared at him. “Don’t you have anything better to do than hover around me all the time. Go bug one of the batty-eyed girls in the lobby.”
    She knew that needling him was a mistake, when that annoying smirk returned. He plopped on the bed, smushing the mattress and forcing her to roll toward him. She shuffled away from his side. He grabbed a corner of the blanket, acting as if it held some interest.
    “Of course, I have better things to do than watch a

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