Sarah Gabriel

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Book: Sarah Gabriel by Keeping Kate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keeping Kate
well—the courts can deal with both these Jacobites. The girl and Cameron both know something, I suspect.”
    Alec had a strong sense of that, too. “If these weapons came into Jacobite hands, the rebels could arm themselves again.”
    “Just so. Over a thousand of these Spanish weapons were hidden, rumor says. Possibly more. But where in blazes are they?”
    “I imagine we could find out, sir.”
    “Exactly. We’ve worked for years to confiscate weapons from the Highlanders, and the new military roads allow us to move troops and supplies more efficiently. But our troops are nowhere safe if Highland men can shoot at us from those blasted hills.”
    Alec nodded. “I’ll take the girl to the Lord Advocate and do what I can with her.”
    “Good. Make her trust you. I hear she’s a charming thing, but most pretty young women are, eh?” Wade glanced up with a quick gleam in his eye. “Then turn her over to the Lord Advocate. She is his problem. Here.” He handed over the hastily scribbled orders. “Take an escort in the morning.”
    Alec saluted and turned. As he did, the door burst open, and Grant rushed inside. “General, I must report Captain Fraser as insubordinate! He’s changed my orders concerning the female prisoner.”
    “He has that right,” Wade said smoothly. “I’ve given him custody of the girl. He’ll escort her to Edinburgh, and we will be done with her here.”
    “But she is in my keeping—”
    “That is my decision, Colonel,” Wade said firmly.
    “We cannot trust him with her,” Grant snarled. “He was with the wench himself. She casts a spell over any man who comes near her. I barely escaped myself. She’s bewitched Fraser.”
    By the door, Alec looked over his shoulder. “She’s just a bonny young girl. Whatever witchery you attribute to her may be in your head…or elsewhere.”
    Wade huffed a laugh, though Grant sputtered. “Youmight be as much a spy as your doxy, Captain. You’re both Highlander stock. There’s hardly a Highlander who is not a Jacobite.”
    “But for the Whiggish Campbells, and their minions the Grants?” Alec asked smoothly.
    “You should know, being in Lovat’s pocket,” Grant snarled.
    “Gentlemen, that will be all,” Wade interrupted. “Colonel, are the arrangements made for Cameron’s transfer?”
    “The brigand is to be moved tonight,” Grant answered, still tense. “The man’s near a beast. This will not be easy.”
    “Indeed. Fraser, I suggest you be on hand to assist. It may take several men to load him into that cart if he protests. Do you have command of the Irish tongue?”
    “Some, sir. I’ll be there.” Ignoring Grant’s protests, Alec saluted again and opened the door.
    Kate pressed her back against the stone wall and watched the two men in the cell with her. Not long ago, guards had escorted the prisoners inside just as she woke, aching and groggy, from a dreamless sleep. Both men appeared asleep, one lying on the floor, the other seated in the corner opposite her.
    Shivering in the chill, she stretched her back and legs, stiff from hours of standing. Darkness filled the cell, and she realized it was night. She had nearly slept the day away.
    Raising her knees and tucking her feet under her skirts, she glanced around warily. One prisoner, a Highlander by his wrapped plaid, lay on his side, backturned toward her. His long dark hair hid his features. The other man, dressed in a brown coat and breeches, reclined in an opposite corner.
    The seated man opened his eyes and looked intently toward her. Then he touched his brow in salutation, lifted a brow. Kate glanced away.
    Through the barred iron door, she saw the shadows of the guards in the corridor and could hear them talking. An iron-trimmed door opened and rattled shut, and more male voices sounded in the corridor, out of sight of Kate’s cell.
    The man in brown snorted. “Hey, girl. Come sit by me.”
    She ignored him, resting her head on her arms.
    “ Och, too good

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