Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four)

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Book: Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four) by Talyn Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Talyn Scott
there when Ciaran’s castle went up in flames. We assumed it was due to the Habalines. God knows they can pull just about anything out of their asses,” he stopped, rubbing the backs of his knuckles across his chin. “Now we’re more certain than ever that Ciaran’s home was burned down by one of these vampire rogues. One who has an unknown agenda.”
    “If this vampire can wield immortal fire,” Gage said thoughtfully, “something I’ve never heard of in all my years on this earth – than hiding his scent, as well as his comrades’, should be nothing to him, an easily attainable feat.” By Kash’s drawn out silence, he understood his answer to be a ‘hell yes’.
    “This is all I can give you.” Kash reached inside his duster and pulled out a thick, brown envelope, tossing it on Gage’s desk.
    “If I come up with anything interesting, I’ll let you know.” Gage immediately picked up the envelope, studying its contents.
    “I want to feed before I head back to Captiva.”
    “Stacy is under my protection and is off limits,” he said to Kash without raising his eyes from the papers.
    “For blood or everything else?”
    “Ah, my deviant vampire, everything you can think of.” Gage laughed as Kash misted away with a scowl.

Chapter Five
    “ W hat is it?”
    They’d finally ended their long workday, and instead of him showering and changing, Azure watched while Nick stalked his apartment as if he were a caged tiger. He walked to the balcony, checking the locks before prowling the small interior another three times. Strangely, he’d searched the laundry hamper twice.
    “Listen, let’s just eat out and skip the club.” He’d planned on making her favorite stir-fry in order to fill their stomachs before they binged on alcohol, but she could sense he needed to bail. “Or…you can drop me off at the house, and we’ll call it a night.” If only they hadn’t carpooled today.
    He stopped in front of her, anchoring both hands on his hips. “Sayer never came home last night.”
    Azure stared at him curiously, hitching her heavy bag on her shoulder, “Are you sure?” She hadn’t wanted to come here at all; facing Sayer so soon after he’d intimately handled her made for an uncomfortable situation - at least for her.
    Nick made his way to the kitchen, dropping a half-empty jar of spaghetti sauce in the trash before he dampened a sponge and scrubbed the dirty skillet left on the stove. Azure eyeballed its cooked on crustiness, placed her bag on a nearby barstool, and started filling the sink. After introducing ten times the amount of dish soap necessary to complete the job, she grabbed the skillet and gave it a good dunk. All actions preformed in uncharacteristic silence, so she broke it, “What are you thinking?”
    “What happened last night, baby?” He demanded softly. “Start from the beginning.” He reached for a bottle of Riesling he’d stashed in the fridge and poured two hefty glasses.
    “First, tell me what’s got you worried.” She studied her glass a second before taking a gulp, no dainty sips for her. At least, not while her leg remained this painful.
    “I’m in charge of laundry and Sayer is on kitchen detail.”
    “That’s it? He forgot to clean up, and you think something’s wrong?”
    “He always puts his soiled clothes in the hamper at night.”
    The fragrance of sandalwood and musk drifted through her nose – Sayer’s scent. How would I remember someone’s scent? Better yet, how could any man’s scent linger if he’d been away all night? How could any man’s scent wake up her work-exhausted and sleep deprived body as if she’d swallowed twenty cups of espresso at once? How could he drench her panties when he wasn’t even here? Then again, after last night’s encounter played through her mind, how could she forget? She pursed her lips and met Nick’s full-on stare, forcing her body to snap out of it. “I know you’re not one who overreacts. But still.”

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