Sandcastle Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story
turned up in a bitter smile, but his eyes stayed cold.
    I wasn't sure quite how to respond to that. Another 'sorry' just didn't seem adequate. 'Good job dodging that bullet!' didn’t seem quite appropriate either, so I just stayed silent.
    Noah's eyes returned from the branch to my face. The last few rays of golden sunlight caught the angles of his face, making him look older and more stern. I liked the carefree and happy Noah better.
    “It was one of those failures that turns out to be a good thing in the end,” he said quietly. “But the fact that it was such a disaster still stings. It's on my Wikipedia page now. I'm the 'left-at-the-altar guy.'” He found another rock to kick, sending it hurtling down the path. I took his arm and pressed my cheek into his shoulder.
    “And here I thought it was bad being the 'always-falls-for-tourists girl,'” I said without thinking. I cringed a little once the words were out, but I started walking, hoping that he wouldn't catch it.
    “The 'always-falls-for-tourists girl?'” He turned and grinned at me, and I could feel the blush heat my cheeks.
    “It's just a nickname,” I said lamely. “Not interesting at all.”
    “Oh no, it's very interesting,” he insisted. “Besides, I just told you my dirty laundry.”
    I fidgeted for a moment, wishing I could devise a way out of telling him. It wasn't so much that it was a horrible thing, just more embarrassing than anything else. Especially when I had to tell it to a tourist I was interested in. I looked over at him, and he just raised his dark eyebrows, waiting.
    “Fine,” I sighed. “The majority of eligible men on the island are tourists, so the past few guys I 'dated' weren't exactly locals,” I explained. “Anyway, the last one promised me the moon and the stars. I believed him and told everyone I was going to go back to the mainland with him.”
    “And he didn't take you with him?”
    “Worse. He was actually here for his bachelor party. I was his last hurrah,” I said, sickened at how gullible I had been. “It was all a lie.” I looked down, feeling the insecurity and shame bubble up again. “I had told everyone. I had practically bought my plane ticket.”
    My voice faltered at the end. I didn't want to tell Noah how the jerk had laughed at me. How I had trudged through the town and everyone had shot me pitying looks. The shame of everyone finding out that I had been duped and dumped. The well-meaning but awkward questions from my mainland friends asking when I was going to come visit them. My mom's reaction. I cleared my throat and tossed my hair behind my shoulder. I was stronger now.
    “But I learned my lesson. No more tourists.”
    Noah faced me, his hands on my shoulders. The heat of his palms against my bare skin set my body afire with want. I wasn't sure if he was trembling or if I was, but either way my body was humming. Ice blue eyes held me in their thrall. They were full of kindness and attraction, and it was intoxicating.
    “What about me? I'm a tourist.” His voice was deep and playful. I stared at his perfect lips, wanting to kiss them, as they formed the words.
    “Yeah, well, I never said I was a good student.”
    The fingers of one of Noah’s hands made their way to my chin, moving me into a gentle, yet insistent kiss. The kiss deepened, my lips parting to give him more. His kiss was hot and deep, banishing every unhappy thought from my mind. He tucked his head, breaking the connection and allowing me to replenish the much needed oxygen for my aching body. I took an unsteady breath, keeping my eyes closed, feeling lightheaded and wonderful.
    At least this time I know what's coming, I thought to myself. I know this is just for now and not forever. I can enjoy this now, or I can regret never having it. I opened my eyes to see his blue ones. I choose to enjoy it.
    “You are so beautiful,” Noah whispered. His smile was soft and full of affection. Butterflies danced in my stomach.

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