Sabin, A Seven Novel

Read Online Sabin, A Seven Novel by A.M. Hargrove - Free Book Online

Book: Sabin, A Seven Novel by A.M. Hargrove Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.M. Hargrove
Tags: sci fi romance
before you destroy them.” I help him clean up the mess.
    “I’m sorry. I’m so hungry. I just wanted an Eggo.”
    “What the hell is an Eggo?”
    “A waffle.”
    He expands his hands and tilts his head like he has to think for a second. “Sorry, we’re fresh out of Eggos.”
    “What about pancakes?”
    “Nope, we’re out of those, too.”
    And it’s then with a crushing realization that I know Serena is not in Kansas anymore.
    In a small voice, I say, “If I ask, will you tell me?”
    “Probably not. But you’re going to ask anyway.”
    “Where am I?”
    “Beaufort, South Carolina.”
    “Please don’t lie or patronize me.”
    His voice becomes very soft. “I’m not, Serena. Right now, that’s where we are, in a warehouse in Beaufort. Soon we go to North Carolina to find the necklace. I will strive to be as forthcoming as possible with you. Now, what may I fix you to eat?”
    “What do you have?”
    “First let me see if this is even functioning.” He fiddles around with it and announces that it’s fine.
    “What’s on the menu?”
    He eyes me for a second and then says, “Trust me?”
    “Yeah, sure. I’m starving. I’ll eat anything.”
    I watch his fingers tap the buttons. A few seconds later, a piping hot meal that smells yummy appears on a plate, along with the utensils. He sits with me while I eat and the food is tasty. I have no idea what it is, but I can’t complain.
    “Mmm. This is better than an Eggo any day.”
    He smiles.
    “Do you eat like this every day?”
    “What language is on that machine? That’s why I didn’t know what to do.”
    His eyes bore into mine.
    “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”
    He gives no indication he heard me. He only continues to stare at me.
    Time to change the subject. “So is it true? Am I not allowed to go into the room with all the computers?”
    “Yes. It’s true.”
    “Your men—they’re not happy I’m here, are they?”
    “Not one tiny bit.”
    “Yeah, I could tell. They about froze me out of the room with their looks. So what happens next?”
    “Like I said, we go to North Carolina to find the necklace. We have to find it, Serena. It’s a matter of life and death.”
    “Are you going to tell me why?”
    “I have a feeling that I’m never going to get my life back. Is this true?”
    He takes a deep breath and steeples his fingers. It’s then I notice how scarred his hands are. My eyes ping back and forth from his face to his hands. He observes. “I’ve been in my share of battles.” I suppose that’s his way of explaining. “Those things that tried to kill you yesterday? They’re going to keep trying. So right now, you have to decide what’s more important. Staying alive or going back to what you knew as your life.”
    He makes a good point. Going back to my life wouldn’t be worth a damn if I’m dead.
    “Serena, I need to ask you something.”
    “What is it?”
    “Do you have any family? Family that you wore the necklace around or might know of it?”
    Shaking my head, I say, “No, never. Why?”
    “Because if you had, they would be in danger, too.”
    I rub my forehead. While I have no great love or fondness for my family, I certainly don’t wish them harm.
    He takes my hand and I feel a zing all the way to my toes. What the hell was that? My head jerks up as I look at him and wonder if he feels it, too. But he only stares at our joined hands. He’s silent for the longest time. “I’m sorry your family is the way they are. They don’t see what everyone else does.”
    “And what’s that? What does everyone else see?”
    His dark eyes pin me and then he’s on his feet and out of the room before I can comprehend what happened.
    Now what am I supposed to do? He left and I have unanswered questions. What am I to do all day? Which rooms are off limits? What do I do with the dirty dishes? Talk about a fish out of water. But like he said, I’m better off this way than dead

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