Ryder: MC Biker Romance (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club Book 8)

Read Online Ryder: MC Biker Romance (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club Book 8) by Jayne Blue - Free Book Online

Book: Ryder: MC Biker Romance (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club Book 8) by Jayne Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Blue
something that I
shouldn’t be afraid of. His eyes were soft and so were his Mother’s.
    “Hello, Jules.
Welcome. I’m Violet.” And her eyes were the color of her name. Purple. I’d
never seen eyes like hers. She was stunning. I wondered at what Ryder’s father
looked like. He must have been a tall drink of blonde water.
    “Hello.” She took
my hand and turned it palm facing up. I didn’t draw away. It was the opposite.
Her kind smile and beautiful eyes had me moving closer. Violet looked from my
eyes to my hand.
    “Oh, she’s an
artist!” Violet said. Had Ryder told her something about me already? I didn’t
think so.
    “Mother.” Ryder gently
pulled his mother back a step by the shoulders, and she let go of my hand.
    “What? I see what
I see, and she’s and artist.” She put a hand on her hip and gave him a defiant
    “Sorry Jules. Mom
reads people immediately. It’s part of her business here at Light the Path.”
    “Don’t be so
cynical young man,” Violet said.
    “Nice to meet you,
Violet. And thank you for saying I’m an artist. I’m trying to be.”
    “Aha! See? My
first impression is never wrong. Except for his father. I messed that up big
time.” She leaned back towards me and out of Ryder’s grasp and put a hand up to
her mouth as if she was sharing a secret with me.
    “He was this
blonde Dutch behemoth I met in Saugatuck on a wine-soaked weekend. I mistook a
dark blue aura for a blue aura with him. Blue is calm and sensitive. Dark
blue’s a disaster. Shows real fear of self-expression. Well, he was so handsome
my readings were off. Otherwise, I am accurate as a Swiss Watch.”
    “Ugh. Mother. Can
you dial it down one crazy notch?” Ryder was looking a little embarrassed, but
I loved this woman already.
    “Ignoring you,”
she waved Ryder off and went on, “You’re a bright pink Jules, that’s artistic,
sensitive, passionate and pure. All excellent qualities.”
    “Thank you,” I
said because it sounded like a high compliment.
    “So, you’re here
to show me some of that art.” And I looked over at Ryder. He had put his hands
up in surrender.
    “What?” I
reflexively put my hand in my bag. I had all the money to my name and the
jewelry that I’d made stashed in that bag.
    “Actually, Mom has
hit the nail on the head. I thought you might try to sell some of your work.”
    “I never, uh, I
don’t really know where to start with that.” I was feeling nervous, and my face
was getting hot. Being an art student is one thing but actually selling something
for cash was something else. It was business. And I didn’t know a damn thing
about selling my jewelry.
    “Here’s as good a
place as any. I get a lot of people in all summer. It’s my busy season,” Violet
said, and I looked around. She did have jewelry along with her new age fair and
the tourist trinkets. Maybe my stuff could fit in here.
    “Okay, well, I
don’t have my pottery but can I show you my jewelry?” I was usually not this
shy but putting my pieces out for anyone to judge scared the shit out of me. I
could hear my Dad’s mean voice saying my projects were a waste of time and that
it was ridiculous. He’d done such a good job of undermining my degree that I
was feeling very vulnerable. What if they were terrible?
    “Stop listening to
the negative voice Jules and let’s take a look.” How did she know what I was
listening to? Ryder may be annoyed with his mother, but I was quickly convinced
that she was, in fact, reading me like a Swiss Watch!
    I opened my bag
and pulled out the case of jewelry that had been my senior project. I had half
a dozen rings, bracelets, and amulet style necklaces. They were hammered metal
and semi-precious gems. And they were my heart on a ring.
    Violet guided me
to her display counter and had me place each piece on a black velvet cloth.
    “Gorgeous!” she
said as I put out the bracelets. I felt my apprehension disappear as she picked
up my ring and turned it

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