Russian Mobster’s Revenge

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Book: Russian Mobster’s Revenge by Bella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Rose
not have been so easy to nab,” Yuri retorted. “Sergei, I know that you are determined to become a leading earner in the drug trade, but it’s time you understand that Ivan is too good for us to choose you over him when it comes to these petty wars you are determined to fight.”
    “Too good,” Sergei scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
    There was another pregnant pause. Ivan deduced that this was a good time to make his appearance known. He strode into Yuri’s office with a smile. “Good morning, Yuri. Good morning, Sergei.”
    “How dare you speak to me?” Sergei snarled. “After everything that you’ve done? I cannot believe you would show your face around here.”
    “When you say what I’ve done, are you talking about the fact that my monthly sales were three times what yours have been during your best season?” Ivan couldn’t help but gloat a little bit.
    “You slept with my sister!”
    Ivan cocked his head to one side. “You know, I’m not going to deny this. But I am wondering how you know such a thing? Did your sister call you to tell you about it?”
    Sergei muttered something ugly in Russian and then stormed out of the office. He shoved past Ivan and barked a comment to Olga about fetching his jacket. When he had finally gone, Ivan smiled lazily at Yuri and folded his hands in front of him to await the comment that was obviously hovering on the edge of the boss’s lips.
    “Ivan,” Yuri began with an indulgent yet reproachful smile. “You cannot keep baiting him like this.”
    “Pardon?” Ivan frowned. “My very existence on this planet pisses him off. Sergei Volkov has felt himself above me since I joined the organization. What am I supposed to do? Grovel at his feet until he can grow a set of balls and stop whining like a baby?”
    “Ivan,” Yuri’s tone took on a warning note. “You need to be respectful. Sergei might think a little too much of himself, but he’s a hereditary made man. He is a member of our organization in good standing. That earns him respect no matter how weirdly possessive he is about his sister.”
    “About his sister,” Ivan scoffed. “If I were the exact same man I am now, but I was your son, he would be throwing his sister at me. His hatred of me has nothing to do with his sister’s health or welfare. It’s because he feels himself above me.”
    “Regardless,” Yuri said with a wave of his hand. “You will stop antagonizing him, or you will have me to answer to.”
    Ivan’s very existence on the earth was defined by antagonizing Sergei. If Yuri put a moratorium on the activity, Ivan’s plan would be against Yuri’s express orders.
    “But Yuri, he’s insufferable. Surely you can see that,” Ivan pleaded. “Do not tell me that I must bow and scrape to that man.”
    “He is a made man within this organization.” The force of authority in Yuri’s voice didn’t stifle Ivan’s feelings on the subject. If anything, it inflamed them. Yuri pointed at Ivan. “You will respect him because of his rank. Otherwise, you need not be a part of our organization.”
    “But I’m twice the earner that he is,” Ivan argued. “Why not give me his position? It isn’t as though he needs it to run his real-estate business. The man does well on the legal side of things and cannot operate his illegal holdings for shit.”
    “Enough!” Yuri curled his lip at Ivan. “Sergei might not have as lucrative a drug trade as you do, but he is still ranked higher than you ever will be. We do not promote street dealers to the level of made man simply because they know how to push their product. That is your job, Ivan. Appreciate that you have that position and be satisfied with the important place you occupy within the organization. Anything more would be an exercise in futility.”
    Ivan stared at Yuri’s wizened narrow face for the span of several moments before giving his boss a slow nod. “I can see that I’ve irritated you, sir,” Ivan said

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