Introduction Running is a great way to get fit and stay healthy, millions of people around the world run every day. The sad fact is though, that many enthusiastic people take up running every year only to give up after only a week or two.
Perhaps the appeal of running is that it brings freedom, it’s a natural activity to do and we are actually built to run. However, our modern sedate lifestyles, that mainly involves sitting at a desk all day, has led us to believe that we simply weren’t meant run. Most of the people that give up running after only a few weeks have started off too quickly; they are not prepared mentally, physically or with the correct equipment.
Regardless of your fitness level, this book and the Running4B program will help you get started on your path to becoming a successful runner - not just for a onetime event but for a lifetime. You will be able to run for 30 minutes continuously and you will be able to get there injury free.
If you want to run, all you need is the desire and the knowledge.
As well as detailing a step by step running program, this book will guide you through all of the important decisions that you will need to make before you start running. Buying trainers can seem like a minefield to the new runner, but by following the written and pictorial guide in this book you will know exactly which trainers you should buy and why. The only other essential piece of running kit you will need to buy is a running bra – again explained so that you go shopping with knowledge.
Being able to run will not only help you lose weight and become fitter it will boost your self-confidence. All runners have to begin somewhere, so why not start today, so you too can enjoy the physical and mental benefits that running has to offer.
The sole aim of this book is to remove all of the obstacles that are stopping you from becoming a runner. Running for Beginners is the only book you’ll need to be able to run for 30 minutes continuously.
I’d recommend that you read this entire book before you take your first steps outside - there are tips throughout the book which will keep you motivated; real tips from real runners that, like you, at one point were not runners.
The Benefits of Running I have found that there many benefits to be gained from running and if you weren’t already motivated enough to start running, here are ten benefits that should further fuel your desire of becoming a successful runner:
1. Running will bring you excellent physical benefits.
Regular running keeps me fit and active and I can pretty much eat and drink what I like without putting on weight – and believe me I did put on weight easily.
Without a doubt 99% of people that start running do so because they want to lose weight and tone up. I was no different, the very reason that I started running was to lose weight. Running also has huge benefits to areas of your body that you can’t see with your eyes; internally your heart and lungs get an excellent workout and it increases the density of your bones, which is especially important for women to stave off osteoporosis later on in life.
2. Running has great mental and emotional benefits.
I never have a better day than when I have been out running in the morning; everything throughout the day seems easier. I didn’t start running for the mental benefits; it was a nice ‘added bonus’ that I discovered. Now that I’ve experienced them, the mental benefits of running far exceed the physical benefits. Going out running makes your body release endorphins which give you a sense of wellbeing. It has also been proven that not only will running boost your mood, it will also increase your creativity and help people that suffer from mild depression.
3. Running will Increase your energy levels.
Since I started running I have had more energy, and not just on the days I run – every day.