
Read Online Rumor by Glenna Maynard - Free Book Online

Book: Rumor by Glenna Maynard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Maynard
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have yet to fuck. She even went with Baby and me to dinner tonight.  Baby seems to really like her.  Sunshine is a little young for me; she is only twenty-five to my forty. I don't know what the fuck we are doing but I like her company, when she curls up against me at night it just feels right. She knows all about me, my past, how I feel about Red, she even knows about all the bad I have done. She said none of that matters, it only matters what kind of man I am now. I have even been trying to keep my face shaved because she says she likes me better clean cut, says my scruff beard burns her skin, bitch makes me laugh, she is so honest, there is just something so pure about her, even though she is far from innocent.
    One thing standing in our way right now is her job. I don't like that she works at the Fox's Den, but it isn't my place to tell her to quit. I am in no position to ask that of her. She says she doesn't kiss them on the mouth, she says she doesn't do oral either because it is too personal, but the thought of another motherfucker sliding his cock in and out of her makes me sick.
    Tonight is my last night at the Roadhouse with Sunshine; I am not bringing her over to stay at my place with Baby and me. That wouldn't be right, even if we ain't fuckin'. Baby is moving in with me tomorrow and just in time too, her birthday is a few weeks away.
    Sunshine and I are playing pool against Stone and his old lady and I can feel Blaze staring a damn hole through me from the bar.  Can't help that he has to pay Sunshine to fuck him or give him the time of day. She enjoys my company all he is to her is a dollar sign.
    Wild Cherry serves us our drinks and I head to the bathroom to drain my lizard. When I come back from the bathroom, motherfucking Blaze is sitting in my seat drinking my jar of shine. "You got a problem brother?" I ask him as he ignores my presence and continues talking up Sunshine.
    He is my brother but he isn't going to disrespect me. Jerking the back of his chair, I grab the back of his cut, "I said you got a problem motherfucker?"
    He shrugs from my hold and stand s toe to toe with me, "You gonna fuck this pussy or are you gonna keep jerking off to old hairy palm every night?"
    "What the fuck did you just say? Let me tell you something you piece of shit, if and when I fuck Sunshine, it will be none of your business, brother." I poke him in the chest. He goes to swing at me, and I duck and tackle him throwing both of us over the table. The music that was playing from the jukebox cuts off and the bar goes silent. The only sound is the crunching of my knuckles hitting Blaze's face.
    It takes Slim, Stone and Romeo to separate us. "Easy brother," Slim is pushing me out the backdoor of the Roadhouse with Sunshine following him close behind.  I hear the rumble of a Harley star ting and tires screeching down the road. "Fuck," Slim mumbles. "I hope that wasn't Blaze he was two sheets to the wind, been drinking all damned day. You got to fix this shit, can't have you bastards fighting over a whore." Sunshine winces at his harshness.
    "Don't talk about her like that." I shove against his chest.
    "Your problem ain't with me."  I know its not , but don't mean he can say shit like that.
    I pull Sunshine to me and kiss her lips roughly, "Wait for me in my room." I hand her my key and go out front to see if Blaze was dumb enough to take off on his bike.

Chapter 8
    Dumbass motherfucker cannot believe Blaze was ignorant enough to get on his bike, he knows better.  I grab Romeo and Stone to help me go look for the jackass. About fifteen miles later, we come up on fresh tire marks veering to the opposite side of the road. I come to a slow roll and signal for Romeo and Stone to stop.
    I park my bike and follow the black marks on the blacktop; it is getting dark and becoming hard to see. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the sole of a boot in the brush. I start to pick it up and I am going to be sick, Blaze's

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