Ruining Me

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Book: Ruining Me by Nicole Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Reed
Tags: General Fiction
s me into the living room and over to the couch .  He laid me down a nd tried to su b due my hands and legs by using his body to pin me down .
    “Quit kicking me and calm down, Jay.  This is ridiculous.” 
    I couldn’t breathe, every breath was shallow and my vision started wavering.
    “Jay, what the hell ? C alm down.  Jay, JAY,” he was yelling at me.
    I fe e l him being lifted off of me.  From far away I hear mewling and didn’t even realize it was coming from me.  The sounds of muffled voices drift to me , but nothing was getting through my head and just like the last time the darkness consume s me.
    “Wake up James.  Come on Ja y , I need you to wake up for me.”
    His voice seems miles away.  I fe e l him stroking his hands down my face.  “Please b aby, I don’t know what to do.  Just wake up.”
    My eyes flutter open and my head i s in Kane’s lap.  His eyes were on mine.  “ Jay , you okay?  D o I need to call the police?  Talk to me, please . ”   His voice s ounded more hoarse than normal and his beautiful green eyes were dark with worry.
    “I’m good,” my voice was weak, “please help me sit up.”
    As I s i t up, I notice that JT was sitting on the floor in the corner staring at me .  He had several scratches down one cheek and his face look s like he had got ten the hell beat out of him.  There was a gash on his forehead and his nose was swollen and bleeding .  His eyes were red where it looked like he had been crying.
    “I am so sorry Jay . ” H e kept repeating in a whisper.   He continue s staring at me as if he ha s never seen me before.
    “Shut the fuck up,” Kane growled at JT. 
    JT closed both of his eyes tightly and tears streamed down his cheeks.  When he finally spoke his voice was shaky .  “ Who hurt you Jay ?   Just name the bastard and I’ll kill him.  This whole time I just didn’t get it .  I knew you would never cheat on me.  That answer always bothered me because I knew it wasn’t the truth.  FUCK,” he yelled in anguish as he stood up.  Kane pulled me closer in his arms .
    JT started toward me and Kane growled at him, “That’s close enough.” 
    He stopped and tears continued to fall down his face.  I hadn’t realized that tears were also streaming down mine , until I felt Kane wiping them away.  JT drop s to his knees again .
    “Please Jay, just tell me who it was. Oh my God, I think I know what happened .  Just tell me.  God I am so sorry.  I never thought that would be why.  I should have known.  I should have known,” he crie s and bow s his head and start s sobbing.
    Closing my eyes tightly , I silently pray this i s a nightmare and any moment I w ill wake up.   I felt like I was being stripped bare and shredded to pieces.  Wasn’t my soul sli pping through the slashes of me ?   I couldn’t allow this to happen.  Standing suddenly , I push away from Kane. 
    “Get out of my house NOW!   Both of you .  J ust get out,” I scream.  I know I probably look like a crazy woman, but I didn’t care at th is moment.  Looking down at JT , I snarl at him, “ Get the fuck out of my house JT.  I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you keep your fucking opinions to yourself.  You don’t know anything about me .  Don’t you dare breathe a word of what you think “ hap pened ” .  Just get out, ” I scream at him and d i ve toward him swinging, but before my hand could hit him , Kane pull s me back.  I jerk my body out of his arms and turn towards him , “Leave Kane.  Just leave.”   
    Kane look s at me and sh a k es his head. Standing he turn s to JT , “Man, you need to leave.”  JT didn’t even look at him .  He stood just staring at me. 
    “I am so sorry Jay,” he quietly said and turn s to walk away.  I heard the front door open and close.   My eyes go to Kane and he ’s s taring at me.  My breaths were

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