
Read Online Ruby by Ashlynn Monroe - Free Book Online

Book: Ruby by Ashlynn Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashlynn Monroe
Tags: Paranormal, menage, Shifter
Isser’s determination to protect and cherish Ruby was as consuming as it was for Sol, those words would revive Isser. He glanced back to where Ruby lay. The wave of misery coming from her was strong. She was hurting inside. This was a wound he could do nothing to cure. Both the people he loved most needed him, and he was helpless. It was a terrible sensation.
    Isser stirred. Sol shook his brother’s shoulder. “Come back to me!”
    Isser’s eyes opened.
    “Can you understand me? How are you feeling?” Sol asked carefully, making sure to enunciate the words well. He’d heard of wolves becoming vegetables after a bad shock. He knew Isser would rather be dead than a mindless husk.
    “I don’t kill this easy. Don’t be planning my funeral just yet. I have no plans to become an invalid for our woman to care for.” Isser thought the words playfully.
    Sol gave a great whoop of joy.
    Isser shifted back to human form. He stood shamelessly naked.
    “How are you?” Sol asked, concerned.
    “I’ve been better, but I don’t think I’m going to become a drooling vegetable anytime soon. Thanks for having faith in me,” Isser drawled sarcastically. Sol felt the heat rising up his cheeks. He helped Isser stand, and they went over to Ruby. Isser dropped down next to her and stroked her back.
    “It’ll be okay. You did what you had to do. He’d never have left us in peace,” Isser told her softly. He exchanged a dark look with Sol.
    “I don’t know how to become fully human again! It just happened before. I didn’t have to try.” Her desperate thought emanated fear in psychic waves. Comforting his woman became Isser’s top priority. Sol dropped down too. He rubbed her massive neck and shoulders. He enjoyed the sensation of her silky, warm tiger fur under his human hand.
    “You can do this. Just tell the tiger to sleep. Concentrate on my voice. You can do this,” Isser murmured quietly.
    “We’re here with you. We love you,” Sol encouraged
    There was a change. It rippled through the bond the three of them shared. He experienced the moment she found her power to become human again. Relief trailed through the feeling as she realized she wasn’t trapped as the cat.
    Ruby, their Ruby, lay naked on the ground next to the dead man. Isser picked her up and rolled her away from the carnage. She was covered in blood, but he didn’t seem to notice as he held her close. She wrapped her delicately slender arm around his neck. Sol helped his brother stand, and together they took her to the shuttle.
    After laying her down on the cot, Sol stepped back to make sure she looked comfortable. Then he covered her with a thin blanket. She appeared infinitely vulnerable, and he wanted to make her feel okay about what she’d done. He went to the supply cupboard and found one of his shirts, a cloth, and water. When he sat down next to her, she looked up at him. Gently, he began cleaning her wounds. “I felt it when you took care of Lilymann. You weren’t killing him because you’re dark or hateful. You took him out to protect us. You wanted to make sure he never hurt Isser or me again. It was love, not evil, that gave you the courage to do what you did. He stole your life and changed your destiny. It was right that you were the one. Don’t regret protecting your mate. I don’t. I killed men today. I killed to protect you and Isser too. I love you both. You belong to me. I’m not going to let some psycho asshole take you away, not ever, and you shouldn’t feel bad about wanting the same thing. You did what you did for love and peace. It took courage. I’m proud of you. You’re truly a tiger now. You have accepted your inner beast.”
    “What if I’m a threat to the rest of your pack? I’ve tasted blood. What if I’m becoming a killer?”
    Sol grinned. “You aren’t a killer. We’d feel it. You’ll need to get used to being part of a pack. We are connected. You can’t hide who you truly are from us.”
    “I’m not

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