Royal Heiress
she found in her book. After
she used it, he froze, unable to say anything or move.
    “Good.” Katherine turned to Amanda. “Come on.
Let’s get out of here.”
    “Why? We have nothing to hide,” Amanda
argued, ready to unfreeze him.
    Katherine grabbed her hand and led her to the
stairs that would take them down to the entrance. “It’s not safe.
He thinks we’re the enemy. These military people aren’t our
friends. We need to find the Infer. He’ll know what to do.”
    Amanda seemed ready to protest but
    Katherine was glad that, for once, Amanda was
taking her seriously. They raced down the stairs as fast as they
    “Did you freeze him permanently?” Amanda
    “No. He’ll be unfrozen in a few minutes. I
just needed to buy us some time.”
    “Stop! Who’s up there?” another military
officer called up at them.
    Katherine groaned when she realized several
military officials were looking up at them from the bottom of the
long stairs.
    “We need to get out of here,” Amanda
    “Freeze, or we’ll shoot,” a woman in a
military uniform yelled at them, producing her gun.
    Amanda grabbed Katherine’s shoulder, and the
next thing Katherine knew, they were outside of the building.
Katherine gasped when she realized there were more military
personnel surrounding them.
    Before anyone noticed them, a pair of hands
grabbed the two women and pulled them into a secluded alley.
Katherine was ready to scream when she noticed the two men weren’t
wearing uniforms. In fact, one was wearing all white.
    “Are you the Infer I’m supposed to meet
here?” Amanda whispered.
    Katherine marveled that her sister could
remain so calm under pressure. Perhaps that was why she was picked
to be the queen.
    “Yes,” the man in white replied. “You’re
Queen Amanda. I recognize you from your image in the mirror.”
    “It’s not safe to be out here,” the
dark-haired man said.
    “He’s right. I know a safe place where we can
go,” the man in white, who her parents had referred to as Pallid,
    They started following Pallid when someone
behind them yelled and started shooting at them. They ran around
several buildings before it became apparent the military officials
weren’t going to lose them.
    “Amanda, can’t you do something?” Katherine
finally asked. What good was being the Queen of Raz if she didn’t
use her ability to help them?
    “Right,” Amanda cheered, as if suddenly
remembering her powers as queen. “Quickly, grab hands.”
    The men obeyed, not taking time to question
the oddity of her statement. Katherine caught sight of all the guns
aimed at them and closed her eyes. If she was going to get shot,
she didn’t want to see it.
    Amanda said, “Take us to safety.”
    At once, it grew silent.
    Relieved, Katherine opened her eyes. But they
weren’t alone. They were surrounded by even more people. The only
difference was these weren’t the ones who’d just been chasing them.
These people, in fact, looked nothing like the ones they’d been
running from. These people were very beautiful and pristinely
    “You took us into the past,” Pallid spoke
    “This is what Atlantis was like before it
sank into the ocean?” the other man asked.
    Pallid nodded. “Isn’t it splendid? Everything
is just as I remember it.”
    “I don’t think we’re properly dressed,”
Amanda said. “We should do what we can to fit in.” She used her
magic to change their clothes.
    Katherine glanced at her dark green dress
with gold sandals, impressed that Amanda thought enough of her to
put her in something attractive. Amanda smoothed her light pink
dress and sighed in satisfaction. Pallid remained in his clothes,
but Jake now wore a dark blue suit with dark blue sandals.
    “Okay. So now we fit in,” Jake said. “What do
we do now? Shouldn’t we go back to the future so we can save
    Pallid gazed silently at the people laughing
and talking around him. “I had

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