Royal Heiress
see anyone wearing all white. Do you?”
    “No, I don’t.”
    “He must be somewhere in this building. I
guess we should search for him.”
    They left the room and walked down the empty
    When they passed by a set of stairs that went
up, Katherine stopped her. “Do you think he’s waiting up there for
    “Maybe. Let’s check it out.”
    They climbed the steps, Katherine’s boots
tapping along the way. Maybe she should have worn the same shoes
Amanda did. At least hers were quiet. As they neared the top, she
heard two people talking in the room at the very top. They peered
over the remaining steps and saw two men in blue uniforms.
    “I don’t care what any other country thinks,”
one of them said. “Atlantis belongs to the United States. We
arrived here first.”
    “Yeah, but I think the other nations will
want a piece of this incredible technology,” the older man said.
“It could mean war.”
    “So what? We’re the strongest nation in the
world. Our military power is too great for anyone else. The
technology in this place is amazing, and we’ve just scratched the
surface. This will strengthen us for sure.”
    “China’s on the way. They are growing in
numbers and military might. And don’t forget Russia. The last thing
we need is a bomb to be thrown on us.”
    “Which is why it’s crucial we claim this city
first. We don’t have any weapons that can compare to the things
I’ve seen here. This place even comes with a protective shield so
invaders can’t harm it.”
    “I don’t know. I have a bad feeling about all
of this.”
    “Well, it’s not up to us to make the final
call. Our job is to follow orders.”
    Katherine motioned for Amanda to go back down
the stairs. As soon as they were out of the two men’s hearing
range, Katherine whispered, “The United States is where Mom lived
before she went to Raz.”
    “I know. We’ve heard all about her past.”
    “I guess what we do now is go down the steps
and keep on searching for the Infer.”
    “Do you think it’s safe to let the other
people know we’re here?”
    As if to answer her question, a man in a
similar blue uniform saw them as he left one of the rooms along the
hallway. “Hey, how did you get here?” he demanded.
    By the expression on his face, Katherine
could tell he wasn’t happy to see them.
    “We could ask you the same thing,” Amanda
responded, her hands on her hips.
    Katherine quickly took out the Book of Spells
from her pocket, which enlarged in her hands, and flipped through
it. The last thing she needed was her sister acting brave when it
was bound to make things worse.
    “Who are you?” the man insisted, not deterred
by Amanda’s words.
    “I am the Queen of Raz. I have every right to
be here.” She scanned him up and down with a critical eye. “What
about you? Who are you?”
    “A member of the United States Air Force, and
I don’t tolerate a bunch of lies, even if they do come from a
beautiful woman.”
    “Oh, you really think I’m beautiful?” She
grinned at his compliment.
    His expression immediately turned soft. “I do
have eyes,” he joked.
    She giggled. “You’re good looking as
    “Have you seen a man called an Infer? He’s
supposed to be wearing all white,” Katherine interjected.
    “No. The only people authorized to be here
are military personnel.”
    Katherine sighed. She was afraid of that.
    “Look, I don’t want to harm you two,” he
said. “It’s just not safe for you to be here. The best thing you
can do is get out of this city as soon as you can. I’m assuming you
have a safe way to get out of here since you got here without
anyone noticing you.”
    “Yes, we can easily disappear,” Amanda said.
“But we have some important business to do before we can. Do you
know where the replacement Olympians are located?”
    He narrowed his eyes. “Is that a code? Are
you spies?”
    Noting the change in his demeanor, Katherine
decided it was time to use the spell

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