Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4
this side of the fence,” he said.
    She giggled. “Let me grab the reins. I don’t want Royal wandering back home and making people worry I’m lying somewhere hurt.” When she walked away, she put extra swing in her hips, hoping he was looking.
    Royal whickered as Bree took the reins and tugged her into a slow walk. Ty strolled beside her.
    “A good horse,” he said.
    “The finest. Royal’s my girl, aren’t you?” She patted her animal’s neck, getting a head toss in response.
    “And a little vain, I see.”
    “What’s wrong with vain?” Bree countered.
    “Nothing, except eventually her coat won’t be so shiny and her legs will grow wobbly.”
    Bree snorted. “I know exactly what you’re saying.”
    “What’s that?” He drifted close enough that her shoulder brushed his arm. Her skin seemed to lift to his heat.
    “You’re saying I’m too focused on my looks and when they fade, I’ll be left with nothing but my character.”
    “See? You are smart.”
    “My character is fine. Strong as steel.”
    “I have no doubts, Bree. It’s you who doesn’t believe.”
    She stopped walking and gaped at him. “I believe. If I didn’t believe in myself, who would?”
    “Your father, for one. And you don’t want to be alone forever. You’ll want a husband and a family.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Not for a long time. I’m not ready for settling down.”
    “Me neither.”
    “I bet having a new woman every week is every man’s dream.”
    “For many, yeah. But it’s not about the sex in those cases either. For some women, it’s learning to love themselves. Proving they’re pretty inside, even if they feel the outsides don’t meet the world’s rules of beauty.”
    “What do you do for those women?” They crossed the field, angling toward the opposite corner. It would take them a long time to walk back, and she was okay with that. Talking to him felt nice.
    “There are many ways to show women they’re worthy.”
    “But most of those ways involve several screaming orgasms a night.”
    He threw his head back and laughed. Her breath trickled out in a wheeze as she watched his whole body react to her joke. Thick neck exposed to the sun, shoulders relaxed, arms easy at his sides. He was a beautiful man.
    He found her staring. “You better wipe that idea out of your mind, Bree.”
    “Oh you’re a mind reader now? How do you know what I’m thinking?” Her voice rang with irritation. Why did he annoy her so much? He was like a boy in junior high who didn’t know how to ask her out. Instead, he just teased her and annoyed her until she kicked him in the shin and walked away.
    Maybe that’s why he did it. He was trying to shake her off.
    “I don’t need to read your mind. Just your face.”
    What did she look like? She tried to blank her expression.
    He grunted a laugh, lips tilted higher on one side. “Your pupils are dilated and you just wet your lower lip.”
    As if summoned, her tongue darted over her bottom lip again. Ty faced her, eyes burning. Very slowly he smoothed his thumb over her lip, tugging the skin with the calloused pad. Heat bombarded her body, slicking her pussy and yanking an invisible string connected to her nipples.
    She needed to put distance between them. Needed—
    “I know a wanting woman when I see her, Bree.” He held her captive with his gaze and touch for another heartbeat before pivoting and walking again.
    She fell into step beside him. Royal shied a little, obviously picking up on Bree’s agitation. Her horse knew her better than any creature on earth.
    Though Ty seemed to be doing a pretty good job. Damn him.
    “I can’t believe you don’t have some smart-ass response to what I just said.”
    What could she say? She was wanting. Needy, hungry, aching. But Ty wasn’t going to be the cowboy to ease her. In fact—
    She grabbed the pommel and swung into her saddle. Royal tensed in excitement, ready to ride.
    Ty tipped his head back to gaze at her. “What are

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