Room 212

Read Online Room 212 by Kate Stewart - Free Book Online

Book: Room 212 by Kate Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Stewart
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Coming of Age, Contemporary, Genre Fiction
wiped his mouth with his finger. He looked at my face and my chest and shook his head as if to shake the image out.
    “What?” I was on the edge of hysteria at that point.
    “Your lip is bleeding.”
    “Okay, it has been for days. So what?”
    “I have to be able to kiss you, baby.” Again, a pain in my chest ran so deep I couldn’t breathe. What the hell was that?
    “Okay. Okay.” I gathered my chest back into my dress and straddled him on the couch.
    “Laura, I just said—”
    “And you don’t run this show. Hush.”
    He was still hard beneath me and I couldn’t resist. I lifted my dress and ran my soaking wet throbbing center onto him. The panties were completely useless at that point. I saw his eyes widen and his breathing escalate. He thrust himself under me and I cried out. I began to move my hips, meeting his thrusts, and we both cried out together in frustration.
    “Fuck, this is torture,” he snapped, lifting me off of him, pulling himself back into his pants.
    “I thought it was fun.”
    “I haven’t been this hard up since high school.” I laughed at his remark and realized quickly that he didn’t mean to say it aloud. Thank God. One point, Laura.
    “Well, I had a great time tonight. And I won’t see you again until my lips have healed.”
    “Who says I want to see you again, tease? You order lobster, you’re rude, you make eyes at my best friend and I’m leaving with this?” He pointed to the hard outline in his pants and laughed despite himself again.
    “I never said I was a nice girl.”
    “No, no, you warned me you were a mad bitch.”
    “I will be tomorrow, too.”
    His fingertip caught me by the chin and he carefully pecked my lips. “And I look forward to it.”
    He walked out the door, leaving me there, wanting him.
    Without thinking, I quickly threw open the door and ran into his back, tackling him onto the grass. I knew how desperate I seemed, but damn it, I had never felt so good with a man in my life. If I never saw him again he needed to know.
    He yelped, crashing in the yard and laughed hysterically. I turned him over to face me, straddling him again, and quickly made my statement.
    “That was the best first date of my life. Thank you for all of it.”
    His laughing stopped immediately. His eyes grew soft and serious.
    Oh shit, Laura, you went too far!
    “What I meant was you were nice and I don’t get—”
    “You said exactly what you meant.” His voice was hoarse and I couldn’t read his expression. I said a silent prayer that I hadn’t screwed this up. He reached up, grabbed my neck and pulled me to his chest. We lay on Dave’s lawn for a few minutes. He stroked my back with his fingertips until I finally came to my senses and let him up.
    “I know you have to work. I’m sorry. You know what a bitch I am without my sleep.” He brushed the grass off his shorts and gave me one last kiss.
    “Goodnight, baby.”
    “Night, Seth.”


    I had managed to get a couch—a black leather love seat—by Wednesday. I was officially moved in the minute the delivery guys set it down. I was able to buy a few more important things: a shower curtain, a blow dryer, toothpaste and shampoo. I felt like a queen, but quickly got bored. I only had a couch because it was all I could afford. I had no TV and no way of decorating the place. My alternative was to pick up a shift every night that week. Kill two birds with one stone; I needed money and I needed a bed. By the end of my shift, I would have both.
    I hadn’t heard a word from Seth since our date on Sunday. I assumed I’d scared him away. I pushed it to the back of my mind. I had too much to look forward to. I wasn’t looking for anything serious and he seemed a little too busy to be able to give his time away anyway. We didn’t have much in common. Maybe that was what he had decided. Either way, I was taking my new place seriously. I would have another month’s rent by the end of next week and enough money

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