Caligula delightedly. He looks thoughtfully into the middle distance. “First I’ll have you skinned, then strangled, hanged, beheaded, baked, ground up then sprinkled on the sacred flame of Jupiter’s Temple, I think.”
    After which painful experience, you can make your way to 13 .
    Please select an option from the previous page.

    A peculiar looking man in a green-edged toga stares at you strangely as you approach this square, low-rise suburban villa. Slyly he draws the toga aside to reveal one knobbly knee and sticks the little finger of his left hand into his right ear. “Quid est in aqua?” he asks pleasantly.
    â€œWhat’s in the water?” your Mercury Phone translates.
    You jiggle the connection. “What’s in the water!” the phone repeats.
    â€œThat doesn’t make sense!” you hiss.
    â€œI know,” says the phone, “but it’s what he said.”
    You glance westward towards the sea, which is hidden from where you are now. The man walks forward three paces, stops, walks back one, then moves forward again to give you a peculiar handshake with two fingers tucked into his palm. “Lapides Provolventes amo, sed Pueri Litoris odi,” he says seriously, glancing back over his shoulder.
    â€œI love the Rolling Stones but I hate the Beach Boys,” translates the Mercury phone deadpan.
    You stare at the man, amazed that these ancient pop groups actually date back to Classical Rome. The man stares back expectantly, as if waiting for you to make a response.
    â€œNon compos mentis es?” you ask, thoughtlessly lapsing into Latin.
    â€œAre you nuts?” the Mercury translator translates.
    â€œPotesne taurum per cornua prehendere?” asks the weird man in his turn.
    â€œCan you take the bull by the horns?” the Mercury phone translates, then adds by way of comment, “I think this character must be a Mason.”
    â€œSum! Sum! I am! I am!” the man exclaims delightedly. “And since it takes one to know one, let me welcome you to the Villa of the Mysteries!”
    With which he steps back and gestures for you to enter the building.
    But do you really want to go in now you know this hall is the headquarters of some ancient Pompean secret sect? Probably not the actual Freemasons, of course, since the Mercury phone would only have been giving you the nearest translation, but certainly some sort of organisation that uses secret signs and passwords and conducts heaven knows what sort of weird rites in hidden chambers. If you can’t wait to join in, roll up your left trouser-leg, bare one shoulder and walk blindly to 3 . If you’d prefer to keep your distance from this sort of thing, turn squarely around and head back to 150 and another destination.
    Please select an option from the previous page.

    Good grief, it’s the Temple of Jupiter! The very god you called stupid last time you have any contact with him.
    Time to beat a nifty retreat back to 25 where you can select a less dangerous destination from your map.
    Please select an option from the previous page.

    He leans over and places his lips close to your ear. “If you’re with us, count the number of letters in the password, multiply by three and meet me there!”
    With which he straightens, turns and walks quickly away.
    What in the name of Zeus was that all about? If you can understand it, count the letters in the password, multiply by three and go to the section number of your answer . If you can’t, go thoughtfully back to your tourist map at 25 and select another destination.
    Please select an option from the previous page.

    The crowd suddenly falls silent as you emerge into the sunlight. All action in the arena stops. Heads turn towards you.
    â€œWell, well,” mutters a nearby samnite (large oblong shield, visor, plumed helmet, and short sword, whispers

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