Romance: Welcome to Zombie Island: A Tale of Zombie Romance and Survival (Post-Apocalyptic, Zombie, Spirit, Survival)

Read Online Romance: Welcome to Zombie Island: A Tale of Zombie Romance and Survival (Post-Apocalyptic, Zombie, Spirit, Survival) by Natalie Nixon - Free Book Online

Book: Romance: Welcome to Zombie Island: A Tale of Zombie Romance and Survival (Post-Apocalyptic, Zombie, Spirit, Survival) by Natalie Nixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Nixon
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he said, first feeling it’s heft, and then taking Fawn's hand. They followed the crashing sounds, and for the first time since they had been backed into the cooler, Jack actually felt they had a chance of surviving.

    Within minutes the bulldozer had reduced the zombie horde to the rough consistency of pasta. Now Cass was just sweeping up a few stragglers to a chorus of cheers from the survivors. Cass was feeling pretty good, until she felt a clammy hand grip her windpipe, choking her. She tried to pry the hand loose as she realized with mounting horror that there was a zombie attached to it this time. It was already climbing over the seat onto her back, its gnashing teeth inches from her face.
    Then, suddenly the zombie was knocked clear of her by a solid kick to the torso. Before she had time to even register her relief a fire axe split the zombie's face in half as well. Jack Godwin had jumped onto the rolling bulldozer and attacked. The axe struck again, severing the creature’s arm. The zombie lost its purchase and Jack kicked it over the side where it got caught in the steel treads and quickly pulled under the dozer. In the tussle the bulldozer had been running blind. Cass now went to shut it down as it was dangerously close to the pool. Unfortunately the zombie’s arm was lodged in the throttle. At any other moment it would have taken a second to clear, but in this instance they had needed that second.
    The bulldozer crashed straight through the low cinder block wall and into the salt-water pool, unending itself so that the nose and blade went straight to the bottom and the entire dozer flipped over into the deep end. Cass desperately tried to release her seatbelt, but in her disoriented, upside-down state could not get it to budge at all. In her panic she tried to take a breath and choked on the water that threatened to fill her lungs. She was close to blacking out. Being the consummate man of action that he was, Jack had dove in almost as soon as the bulldozer had gone in. He swam down and managed to miraculously undo the clasp and pull her free. They broke the surface gasping for air and earned a round of cheering from the survivors, which only escalated as Jack pulled Cass toward the edge of the pool.
    "Oh God, Talin, he's still down there!" She yelled, quickly recovering from her ordeal. Before she could dive to the rescue though, the wicker basket bobbed to the surface. She swam over and towed it back to the deck.
    "I'm okay," Talin said, as he spit out half a mouthful of salt water. Disconcertingly, the other half seemed to sort of just leak out his neck
    Cass hugged the basket to her chest in relief.
    Jack looked at her curiously, "Umm, What have you got in that basket…?"
    Cass looked at Jack and shook her head. She wasn’t even going to get into it. After his double rescue of her, all she could say was, “Travel writer my ass." She then took a moment to recover both her wits, as well as her breath, before yelling to the crowd, "Somebody needs to run up the trail and get the old bus. Drive it down here." The survivors stared at her in stunned silence. "Now damn it!" She snapped. That got them moving.
    Fawn raced to the pool's edge, "Oh god you're so brave, you saved us all!" She yelled, choking back tears.
    Cass felt flattered, "It was no big deal, I just…"
    But Fawn threw her arms around Jack, "You're the bravest man in the world."
    Cass laughed, "Did I miss something?"
    The following few minutes seemed like hours, but the bus finally arrived in the compound. Cass guided it to the edge of the pool.
    "Do you want me to load everyone up," Jack asked.
    "No, these roads are too dangerous at night, especially with all the rain we’ve had. We can’t afford to get stuck or stranded. For now I think it’s best to stay here. "
    "You think we'll be safe?"
    "Hell no, there's another swarm of zombies on their way here. And these ones are gonna be extra rotten and nasty, believe me. Now listen,

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