ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

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Book: ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories) by Jessa Hawke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessa Hawke
was taken what? In the 70’s?”
    “I’ll take that as a compliment, little Storm.” He replied. Caleb was taken aback by the fact that this man knew who he was. “But you see, if you did your research you would know that I’m not one to age very quickly, being a witch and all.” He said slyly.
    I’m so sorry Mr. Gustav.” Hailey finally spoke.
    The man was bewildered – almost stupefied by the sound of her voice. He stepped forward narrowing the space between himself and Hailey to almost half a foot. His face looked down on her doe eyes before taking her hand and lifting it to his lips and kissing it.
    “It’s my pleasure.” Gustav spoke as Hailey blushed from ear to ear, like a little school girl.
    “We need your help.” Anton spoke.
    “Yes, I bet you do.” Gustav said without breaking his stare at Hailey.
    Caleb sensed a presence lurking from outside. “Mr. Gustav, is there somewhere we can talk more privately?”
    Anton felt a jolt of fear. He remembered the gift the Storms had: seeing through the veil. “Is everything alright?” He questioned Caleb.
    Gustav looked to Caleb and gave him a nod. “You haven’t been trained enough little Storm, but still you can sense that? You must be really special then.” He eyed Caleb quizzically.
    “The cellar, it’s magic locked. Let’s go there.” Gustav invited.
    “Hailey, let’s go.” Caleb wrapped an arm around Hailey to Anton’s disdain of course.
    When they went down the flight of stairs, they finally saw what they were expecting: a witch’s hut. Dolls and jars lined the cupboards and shelves.  Huge candles the size of barrels decorated the place, each with a distinct insignia and color.
    “Sit my friends.” Gustav said.
    “My family had given your family our oath of protection since as long as we can recall.” Anton began and Gustav nodded. “It is my hope that this time, you shall help us.”
    “The Dominguez have been kind to me, yes. Whatever is in my power, I shall of course not withhold my friend.” Gustav answered politely.
    “Caleb?” Anton looked to Caleb who merely nodded. They both stood up and touched Hailey’s shoulders. Suddenly a yellow mist started to depart from her body. The pair lifted their mark from Hailey to partially reveal to the witch her true identity. The mist easily folded back in to her once Caleb and Anton released Hailey.
    Gustav stood almost horrified at the sight. “You?” He said in an almost fearful way.
    “You understand Mr. Gustav that this is something we must keep a secret?” Caleb said in a serious tone.
    “Yes of course.” Gustav said. “But my dear boy, this mark you’ve placed, it’s fading by the day. By the fifth day from now, I’m sure it would completely fade and reveal how special this young lady truly is.”
    “That’s why we’re here Mr. Gustav.” Anton answered. “We need your help. We don’t know why Hailey is a pure sacrifice. We have no idea how to hide her.”
    “There is no hiding a pure one, my boy.” Gustav said sullenly. “But there is one way to protect your little lady here.”
    Caleb and Anton’s eyes grew bigger at the prospect of an actual solution to their problem.
    “What is it?” Hailey said shyly with anticipation.
    “You my dear must be tainted.” Gustav said.
    Alpha Enchantment: Part Three
                  How do you taint something that is so pure and so special? Gustav stared into the eyes of the young woman, trying to understand why she was the way she was. He needed to understand, right off the bat, why the harvest moon, for all its wisdom, had chosen this young girl to be the pure sacrifice.
                  He gently led Hailey by her hand to a chair that sat awkwardly at the very center of the ornately decorated cellar of what was disguised as a Dental Clinic.
                  “Now my dear, sit here.” Gustav spoke with his thick Haitian accent – that Caribbean tone with strong

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