ROMANCE: Biker Club Romance: Infernal Affairs (Alpha Males playing Wicked Games MC Ride Romance New Adult Romance) (Unlawful Secret baby Undercover cop romance Series)

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Book: ROMANCE: Biker Club Romance: Infernal Affairs (Alpha Males playing Wicked Games MC Ride Romance New Adult Romance) (Unlawful Secret baby Undercover cop romance Series) by Linda Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Wright
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My head connected with the tile wall hard and I saw stars for a moment.  I closed my eyes and steadied myself before cutting the water off and getting out of the shower so I could be on solid ground. 
    My head throbbed when I touched it but otherwise it seemed okay.  Close call, I thought.  I’d been too distracted by Ramsey to pay attention. 
    I dried off and pulled just Ramsey’s shirt back on.  I tip toed out and saw that Paul was officially gone.  I was pissed to see he’d left with my favorite coffee mug but I’d let him have it.  I locked the door and curled up on the couch with the remote.  I needed to relax and lose myself in some brainless TV.
    I must’ve fallen asleep because it felt like I’d just blinked when there was a knock at the door.  My apartment was lost in darkness which told me I’d been out for a few hours.  I ran my hands through my hair and winced when my fingers brushed over a lump on my head.  I recalled the shower slip and groaned.  It wasn’t abnormal for me. 
    I looked through the peephole and sucked in a too large breath.  My lungs protested and I ended up having a coughing fit.
    “Open up, Kasey.”
    I figured I might as well.  Maybe he wanted to formally reject me.  I opened the door and stared at him.  “What?”
    He stared down at me and his expression was pained until he reached my face.  Then it went all red and furious.  “He hit you.  I fucking sent you back here and he hit you.  Where the fuck is he?!”
    My eyebrows furrowed.  “What?”
    He stormed into the apartment and looked around.  “Where is that little shit?  Is he still here, Kasey?”
    I watched him silently.  I had no clue what he was talking about.
    Finally, after he’d checked out all of my apartment, he came back and gently touched my head.  “What happened?”
    I finally made sense of why he was freaking out and shook my head.  “Oh no!  No, he didn’t hit me!  I slipped in the shower and hit my head on the wall.”
    “Don’t cover for him.”
    “I’m not.  He was here when I got home but we talked and came to the realization that I was a cold bitch with him.  He pointed out that we hadn’t had sex in months and that I was sadder over being rejected by you than I was over him cheating.  It was a fun conversation for both of us.  He left and the only victim was my favorite mug.  He stole it.”
    Ramsey put his hands on his hips and just frowned a lot.  “Cold?”
    I nodded.  “Cold.  Boring.  Something like that.  Anyway.  He didn’t hit me.  I’m just a klutz.”
    “You were sad?”
    It was my turn to frown.  “Of course.  You kicked me out like I was yesterday’s garbage!  That sucked.”
    “Kasey.  You stormed into the middle of a brawl between gang members and started bossing people around.  Night Rider’s isn’t as bad as some of the clubs around here but it isn’t a fucking safe haven for women, either.  They still have the same ideas that women should either be cooking or fucking.  Not bossing men around and screaming like a damn banshee.  Especially not hitting members in the face!  You broke Jake’s nose.  He’s been bitching about you nonstop.”
    I threw my hands up.  “How was I supposed to know?  It’s not like I hang out with motorcycle clubs every day.  I just saw you trying to break it up and no one else was helping.  You got hit and I decided it was time for it to be over.”
    His eyes had softened and I realized the bottom of the shirt I was wearing had ridden way up and he was getting quite the image.  “You put my shirt back on.”
    I lightly slapped his chest.  “It’s comfy.”
    Ramsey shook his head and looked back at my face.  “I couldn’t let you stay there.  There are rules.  Unless you’re someone’s old lady you aren’t protected and I didn’t think you wanted me to claim you right there in front of everyone.  I sent you away for your protection, Kasey.  They’re not bad guys but

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