ROMANCE: Biker Club Romance: Infernal Affairs (Alpha Males playing Wicked Games MC Ride Romance New Adult Romance) (Unlawful Secret baby Undercover cop romance Series)

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Book: ROMANCE: Biker Club Romance: Infernal Affairs (Alpha Males playing Wicked Games MC Ride Romance New Adult Romance) (Unlawful Secret baby Undercover cop romance Series) by Linda Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Wright
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I almost felt better.
    “Why do you look like trailer trash?”
    Did I say I almost felt better? 
    I shoved past him and went straight to the bedroom.  He’d already emptied his closet and the bathroom.  I sank into the bed and groaned.  I’d been rejected so thoroughly by Ramsey.  Even if I hadn’t known him for very long it still stung.
    “What’s wrong?”
    I glared at Paul for sitting next to me.  “Nothing.  I’m just tired.  It was a long day.  Can you please go finish packing?”
    He just stared at me.  “You look sad.  I’m sorry I cheated on you, Kasey.  Things had just gotten stale between us.  We haven’t had sex in over two months.”
    I let my eyes roll back as I thought about what he was saying.  Had it really been that long?  “I’m not sad because of you, Paul.”
    As I said the words I frowned.  I wasn’t sad because of Paul.  He’d been my boyfriend for a while and he’d cheated on me and I wasn’t sad.  I was sad over the stranger I’d met on the street and instantly felt attracted to.  Something was wrong with that. 
    “Then why are you sad?”
    I groaned and sat up.  “You really want to know?”
    He nodded.
    “I went with that guy this morning to his house.  He’s in a motorcycle club.  He was so nice and everything was going great.  Then there was a fight and he was trying to separate it.  It wasn’t working so I took charge.  I screamed and broke up the fight and insulted the guys fighting.  Then Ramsey kicked me out.  He even made someone else bring me home.”
    “You broke up a fight in a motorcycle club?”
    It was my turn to nod.  “Yeah.  Nothing was working so I took charge.”
    He stood up and stared at me.  “Who are you and what did you do with my girlfriend?”
    “Whatever.  You’re the girl who wouldn’t let me order pineapple on my pizza because it was too different.  You’ve shopped at the same store for your clothing for as long as I’ve known you.  You don’t branch out.  Ever.  But suddenly you’re hanging out in a motorcycle club?”
    I stared at Paul and frowned.  Maybe he wasn’t the boring one.  Maybe it was me.  Why had I been so able to let go with Ramsey, then? 
    “You wouldn’t let me touch you if I hadn’t showered right before.  Did you make Mr. Dirty Biker shower first?”
    I flipped Paul off and stood up.  “Out of my room.  This was fun but I’m over it.”
    He shook his head.  “No.  Explain to me why you treated our relationship like this clinical project you were working on and then you let this man get to you so much.  Why aren’t you sad over me but you are over him?”
    “I’m not sad over him!  Just get out!”
    He wasn’t budging.  I didn’t want to fight with him anymore because I knew he was right.  I felt more attraction to a man I’d barely spent any time with than I did to the guy I’d dated forever.  I shook my head and moved to the bathroom. 
    “Finish packing and go, Paul.  I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize how unhappy we were.  I’m sorry if I hurt you with how clinical I was with you but seeing how easy it was for you to cheat and lie to me I’m glad I was.  I’m going to shower.  See you around.”
    I closed the door and locked it before starting the shower and stripping.  I kept Ramsey’s shirt out so I could put it back on when I was done.  I went through the motions once I was in the shower and found myself frowning a lot. 
    I wasn’t an idiot.  I knew what I felt for Ramsey was one hundred percent hot blooded lust but I thought that maybe I could like him.  It sucked that he’d tossed me aside before I’d gotten a chance to see if there was anything between us.  My pride also hurt.  I wanted to think I was hot enough to make him sad to have me gone.  It seemed easy for him to cast me aside, unfortunately. 
    I wasn’t paying attention in the shower and I’d just finished shaving my legs when I stepped funny and slipped. 

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