Rogue in Red Velvet

Read Online Rogue in Red Velvet by Lynne Connolly - Free Book Online

Book: Rogue in Red Velvet by Lynne Connolly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne Connolly
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Dankworth, and had he known what a cad Dankworth was, he wouldn’t have done.

Chapter 6

    “Letter for you, Missus.”
    Connie had long stopped trying to get her housemaid to stop calling her “Missus.” Saxton came from a family that had served the local gentry in these parts since records began, or so they had everyone believe. If Connie commented too strongly, they’d have called her “stuck up” and relegated her to the younger daughters and sons of the Saxton clan, the ones who needed training—a subtle kind of punishment that was just as effective as sitting in the stocks.
    Connie took the letter from Saxton’s hands—no salvers here, as at the Downholland’s—and used her butter knife to break the seal, which was so blurred as to be unrecognizable. But this letter had come a long way. It was grubby, the seal chipped. Had he written to her after all? Her heart lifted stupidly. “When did it arrive?”
    “But two minutes ago. I thought you might like it now, since you’re breakfasting alone.” By which Saxton meant the vicar hadn’t just popped in to discuss some triviality with her. The vicar was a greedy man and Connie’s cook made good breakfasts.
    “Certainly and thank you.” She’d risen several hours ago and ridden out on estate business after consuming only a few slices of buttered bread and tea. The wind this morning was a lazy one, going right through her instead of around her and she’d looked forward to her meal, which she was now relishing in solitary splendor.
    She was glad she had no audience other than Saxton. Had Alex defied her wishes and written to her after all? Fumbling a little, she folded the paper open.

    My dearest Sweetheart,
    I cannot wait to make you mine.
    Everything is in train for your arrival. The Downhollands wish our union as soon as possible and I concur in that desire most fervently. I regret I cannot ride North to escort you to town but you will find a hearty welcome on your arrival. Please write and tell me of your plans. I will arrange to have you met and taken to the Downholland’s London residence.
    I find that I miss you more than I thought I could ever miss anyone and I need your love and support. I miss your tantalizing presence, your perfume and your good sense and I want to present you at Court.
    Yes, that is my main reason for asking you to come to London with all haste. I have obtained an invitation to attend St. James’s and if I were married before my visit, that would include my wife. I cannot decline such a treat on your behalf and I don’t hesitate to remind you that it would aid our fortunes, too. A honeymoon and a season of sightseeing would be conducive to your spirits, would it not?
    I am fortunate to have made the acquaintance of several influential people in town and I can promise you an enjoyable time during our stay. I have several appointments with men in the City, by which I hope to increase our holdings and secure us a greater income. I have also renewed my acquaintance with my second cousin, the Duke of Northwich, and he has kindly extended an invitation to attend his house for tea after we are wed. When we are done with London we will return to our home with all due dispatch and begin our married life in complete amity.
    I understand the stage leaves for London every day from Carlisle, so it might be better if you catch that, or if you require more comfort, a post chaise should prove adequate. We should think of purchasing a good travelling carriage on our return home.
    I wait impatiently for your letter,
    Yours, etc.
    Jasper Dankworth.

    Of course, Alex wouldn’t write. She’d told him not to. But she couldn’t deny the sense of hollow disappointment filling her now.
    Saxton should really have left the room but she was no doubt waiting for some juicy titbit that would enliven the Saxton household when she went home at the end of the week.
    Connie schooled her features, put the letter gently face down and asked for more tea. The

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