Rocky Mountain Angels

Read Online Rocky Mountain Angels by Jodi Bowersox [romance] - Free Book Online

Book: Rocky Mountain Angels by Jodi Bowersox [romance] Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodi Bowersox [romance]
I thought.” He pulled her toward the wicker settee, sat, and pulled her down with him. “Now, beautiful, I’m not sure what to do with this. This is the only thing to sit on in the room, but your TV is literally behind us.”
    “I know, but I really don’t watch TV very much, and like you pointed out, this thing isn’t very comfortable. If I want to watch something, I’ll just get some pillows and sit on the floor.”
    Eli nodded. “Okay, there’s some logic to that, but why are we facing this way?”
    She pointed to the window as if that were explanation enough.
    He looked puzzled. “Mrs. Shimmel’s peeling paint across the street is hardly what I would call a grand view.”
    “Don’t look so far. That bush at the edge of my yard is a lilac bush. It will be really pretty in May.”
    Eli gave her an indulgent smile. “So you’re planning your seating arrangement for a sight that will only last a couple of weeks in the spring.”
    She pursed her lips and didn’t answer.
    He shifted and got a pained look on his face. “Please save my butt and come sit with me on the bed. I promise I’ll be good.”
    She quirked her lips to the side then stood and motioned for him to lead the way. He rose and took her hand as though she had offered it to him and pulled her the few steps to the bedroom. He sat on the side of the bed, close to her pillow, and she hesitantly joined him with a good foot and a half between them.
    Eli actually grew seriously serious. “Your style is all over the map. You’ve got quaint cottage going on in the kitchen, a mix of modern and garage sale in the living room, beach towels hanging in the bathroom, and in here, we have renaissance romantic crossed with—where did you get that awful cowboy painting?”
    “On a vacation in Texas.”
    “Sweetheart, your house is schizophrenic. You need to pick a direction.”
    Mari was peeved. “Would you have said that if I hadn’t told you about all my different areas of study?”
    Eli nodded. “I would. If I were trying to find your personality in your space... that was what you did in my room, wasn’t it?... I’d say you were fractured, confused, searching for something.”
    Mari rose and walked to the window. You pegged me very well, Eli Rhodes.
    Eli gave her a minute then came up behind her. “Did I hit a sore spot? For what it’s worth, you were right about me hiding, and you were right about my heart not being in my work.” He gently laid his hands on her shoulders and slid his thumbs up her neck under her hair. He felt her tense, but he continued the caress until she relaxed. After a minute or two, Eli knew he could pull her back against him, and she wouldn’t resist. And her bed is just three steps away. He gave her shoulders a squeeze and stepped back.
    “So, what you need to do is decide which part of your house and your life you like the best and build around that.” He sat again on the foot of the small twin bed.
    Mari turned, half-smiling. “Well, thank you, professor Rhodes. Just pick, you say.” She shook her head. “Don’t you think if it were that easy, I would have done it by now?”
    He patted the spot beside him, and she crossed to him and sat. “Why is it so difficult?” He thought a moment. “I know, close your eyes.”
    “You’re obviously a very visual person. So let’s try an experiment.”
    “You’re not going to kiss me, are you?”
    Eli took in a breath and let it out. “No, I promise I won’t kiss you.” He paused, a smile blossoming on his face. “Today. Now close your eyes.”
    She complied, and all Eli could think about was kissing her. He shook his head. “Okay, now picture me taking that wicker seat and carrying it out of the house. How does that make you feel?”
    Mari giggled. “Actually pretty good.”
    “Thank heavens,” Eli chuckled. “I’ll be glad to take it outside and set it on fire.”
    Mari giggled again, and Eli wanted so badly to take her hand lying

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