Rocked by Him

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Book: Rocked by Him by Lucy Lambert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Lambert
the counter, one hand over my heart. What was he doing here? I didn't want him to see me like this! I had to look awful. I'd run my hands through my hair so many times it had to look like a bird's nest up there. I didn't even want to know what my eyes looked like after rubbing them so much!
    "Damn it, damn it," I whispered, looking around the kitchen as though it contained a solution. All it had was the baker's rack against one wall (with the microwave on it) and my small, circular breakfast table.
    "Jen n?" Drake said, "Everything okay in there?"
    "Uh, yeah. Just give me one second!"
    A mirror. I needed a mirror!
    I searched around for anything that could give me some sort of reflection. One good enough to do some triage on my makeup. I couldn't rush out past him to get to the bathroom; he'd stop me for sure.
    As I did, some part of me knew how ridiculous this was. I kept telling myself how little I desired being with someone again. Especially some bad boy player who'd, for some reason, chosen me as his next target.
    But if that were true, why had I pulled the broad, flat stainless steel spatula from the drawer and examined my face in its admittedly imperfect reflection?
    "Should I come in?" Drake said. I could hear the crooked smile in his voice. He thought he was so damn hot, that he knew just how to handle me.
    I shoved loose strands of hair behind m y ears, dabbed and rubbed at the thankfully minor smudging around my eyes. Thank God I hadn't cried! There'd be no way to recover all that running makeup.
    "Just a second!" I said, maneuvering the spatula for a close-up of my left eye.
    "What are you doing?"
    I flinched, then hid the spatula behind my back as I spun to face him.
    "Is that an answer, or a question?"
    "An answer," I said, trying to come up with some excuse.
    He looked good. He wore the same stuff as earlier. That jacket suited him really well. Did he have it tailored? Was it custom? God, what was wrong with me?
    "What's in the bag?" I said, trying to deflect attention from myself.
    He opened it with his spare hand and started unloading the contents onto my countertop. It was alcohol. A bottle of vodka, then white rum, then a dark bottle of Jack. Next, he produced two bottles of wine, one white, one red. Finally, he pulled out two beers. One was a Bud, the other a Bud Light.
    It was his turn to look a little bashful, scratching at the back of his head.
    "I... don't really know your taste in booze..."
    "I don't drink," I said.
    It took a second for it to sink in. He swallowed heavily even as his eyes widened.
    "Oh man, I'm sorry, it just sounded like you needed a drink," he said. He picked up the vodka, ready to put it back in the bag.
    I couldn't resist any longer.
    "I'm kidding! Really, I do drink. I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist!" I said, laughing, holding up my hands in mock surrender.
    He gave me a tight-lipped smile in return. His eyes fixed on one of my hands.
    "Do you have a license for that?"
    "What?" I said.
    I looked up to see the spatula clenched in my fist like a knife. It was my turn for an eye-widening moment as I threw it in the sink. It clattered way louder than I would have thought. I winced, thinking I'd blown it completely.
    But Drake didn't appear to care, choosing instead to grab the brown bottle of Bud. He twisted the cap off. His lips tightened for a moment as he squeezed the cap in his palm, then he dumped the folded bit of metal on my counter.
    The beer smelled good, and I found my mouth watering as he raised the bottle to his lips.
    "Did you want this?" he said, holding it out to me. Some foam began climbing up through the neck.
    "Hmm? No, sorry. I just like the smell, actually. Never was a beer girl."
    I went up on my tiptoes and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. The red wine had a screw-on cap rather than a cork, a sure sign of cheapness (though I imagine he didn't intend on that; I bet he wasn't a wine man) and I smiled as I twisted it open.
    We spent the next few

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