Rock the Viper

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Book: Rock the Viper by Sammie J Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sammie J
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you're there.”
    I hear a male voice on the line and she quickly says, “I will be.” And hangs up. I laugh, now I have the answer to where she goes when she is not here she has a man.
    The last few hours drag on but at 5:30 pm I am ready to head home. I lock up and take a quick look across the road and a shiver runs through my body as I think of the other night. I walk home to the flat I share with Lara and think she better be home with that pizza because I’m starving.
    I make good time and I'm five minutes early. I rummage through my bag to find my keys and that’s when I notice the door is slightly a jar. A part of me hesitates to enter but then I hear a sob, so I push the door open and when I walk in I see Lara sitting on the floor crying. I don't know how I manage to keep upright as I feel like joining her when I see that our home has been ransacked. The sofas have been slashed and the stuffing spills out of them. I can see glass on the floor from pictures which have been smashed along with the TV. Drawers have been opened and the contents are thrown over the floor. Lara lets out another sob and I rush over to her and bend down and touch her shoulder, “Lara are you OK? Are you hurt?
    “I'm ok there was no one here when I walked in, look at it Peppa who would do this.”
    I take another look around with sadness, “Come on let's get you up in case you are leaning in glass.” I offer her my hand she takes it and I help her to her feet.
    “Has anything been taken? I should call the police.”
    She points to her phone, “I've already done it and I phoned Noah too. It doesn't look like anything has been taken. I didn't make it to my bedroom to check if my jewelry is still there.”
    “Oh god.” And I make a dash for my bedroom.
    Lara screams after me, “Peppa the police said not to touch anything.”
    As I approach my bedroom, I notice my door is open and when I stand in it the first thing I notice is the word SLUT in big red letters on the wall my bed is against. Then it's my clothes that have been thrown all over my bed and floor. I walk over to the jewelry box I keep on my chest of drawers, I use a pair of knickers that are hanging from a lamp and lift the box up. The ring my mother gave me is still there and I let out a sigh. I take a quick look at the other pieces and everything seems to be in place. I take another look around and notice my underwear drawer has been turned upside down. I walk over and look and find most of it has been ripped to shreds.
    I hear voices and make my way back to Lara, I feel numb, I'm in shock and this all has a sense of disbelief about it. Noah is standing, holding Lara and when he sees me he motions for me to come over. I walk over to him and he brings me in for a hug, that’s when the tears come. I feel him kiss my forehead and then we hear a voice asking if they can come in.
    It seems like hours before the police finish questioning us and taking our statements. They ask if we have anywhere to stay tonight. And Noah pipes up with, “Yes officers, they will both be staying with me. And if you need them to come down to the station please ring me.” And he gives them his address and phone number.
    I don't even question Noah about that and it's not until we are in his car on the way to his house that I say. “Noah, I can phone Monica. I'm sure she will let me stay for a few days.” Our eyes meet in the rear view mirror.
    “Please Peppa, don't argue with me, you're staying with me and that's it.”
    I lower my head and close my eyes and mutter, “Ok.” I'm not sure if he hears me but no one talks for the rest of the drive.
    Noah owns a big town house. It has six bedrooms, two bathrooms, the usual kitchen and lounge but he also has a basement that has a studio and where the artists sometimes come and record. I know he has the space for me but with the way the things are between us, I'm not sure if it's wise we share the same space so I tell myself to phone Monica later and

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