Read Online ROCK HARD (A BRITISH ROCKSTAR BAD BOY ROMANCE) by Nikki Wild - Free Book Online

Book: ROCK HARD (A BRITISH ROCKSTAR BAD BOY ROMANCE) by Nikki Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Wild
wasn’t sure there was a way out of it that didn’t include falling under Liam’s spell.

Chapter 18
    M anagement always booked an extra room at every hotel we stayed at on tour. It was intended to be a place for schmoozing and networking but it just ended up being a big party every time. But we were ‘encouraged’ to attend every night, just in case there were some puffed up VIP’s that someone had deemed important that we meet. I hated that part, but I was almost always up for a party, so I played along.
    Tonight, I wasn’t really in the mood for all of that. I went anyway, but only because I was hoping to get a little farther with Catherine tonight, and by ‘a little farther’ I meant I was hoping to finally sink my cock into her tight little center. I wasn’t one for taking my time, but I was surprised to find that I was enjoying the chase a little bit.
    I was just ready for that to be over.
    As soon as I walked in, I was cornered by Callum.
    “Great show tonight, Liam,” he said.
    “Thanks,” I said, scanning the room over his shoulder for Catherine. I spotted her in the corner talking to Ian and as soon as he saw me, he turned and walked away. So he was still pissed , I thought. Oh, well. No surprise there.
    I headed over to Catherine, leaving Callum talking about something behind me. She was wearing a tiny black dress that left her long legs bare, and they seemed to go on forever. My cock twitched in my pants as I thought about how they’d feel wrapped around my hips. She smiled as I approached.
    “Hello, luv,” I said, pulling her in for a hug. To my surprise, she hugged me back warmly. “You look fuckin’ fantastic.”
    “Thank you,” she replied. She looked away shyly and I saw a slight blush creep up her neck. “How are you? Your show was great.”
    “Was it?” I asked. “I thought so, but I don’t think Ian agrees.”
    “No, I think he’s quite upset with you…again.”
    “I’m sure he is. He’s always pissed at me. Are you seeing that now? There’s a bit of a pattern here,” I winked.
    “I see that,” she said. “It must be exhausting.”
    “For me or for him?” I asked.
    She laughed, and her face lit up with beauty. My cock throbbed between my legs, and just as I was about to ask her if she wanted to leave, Callum walked up.
    “Catherine, this is Callum McGregor, he runs our charity. I told you about him the other day.”
    “Oh, yes,” she replied, holding out her hand. Callum shook it and nodded.
    “Nice to meet you,” he said.
    “Catherine is writing a story for Rolling Stone magazine. She’s attempting to restore my reputation, if you can believe that,” I said.
    “Well, that’s quite a job!” Callum said jokingly. Catherine joined in the laughter.
    “It sounds like you have the important job,” she replied. “I’d love to get together with you, ask you a few questions about the charity - if that’s alright with you, Liam?”
    “Sure, whatever, that’s fine,” I replied. I’d have agreed to anything if it meant I would be alone with Catherine sooner.
    “I don’t think I could really contribute anything to the story…” Callum replied.
    “Oh, it wouldn’t take long at all, actually,” Catherine said. “Just a few minutes of your time? We could even do it by phone.”
    “Sure, that’s fine,” Callum said, pulling out his wallet. “Here’s my card, just give me a call tomorrow and we’ll talk.”
    “Perfect, thank you. It was nice to meet you,” Catherine said.
    “Callum, we must be going,” I interrupted. “I’ll see you when we get to Los Angeles.”
    “Okay, Liam, see you then,” Callum turned and walked away.
    “Is it hard for you to see him?” Catherine asked.
    “It’s easier with time,” I replied. “He looks a lot like Ally, so that makes it difficult.”
    She nodded, her green eyes peering into mine.
    “Do you see him often?”
    “No, not really. Usually, when we’re in America, he’ll fly in to go to the

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