Road to Seduction (Kimani Romance)

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Book: Road to Seduction (Kimani Romance) by Ann Christopher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Christopher
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Stevens?” The man looked amused as he shook Izzy’s hand. “I’m Dr. Wu. You’ve got yourself a sick little dog there. Any idea what all he ate?”
    Worry lines creased Isabella’s forehead and she wrung the bedraggled Fluffles as she thought about her answer. “I’m not sure, but we saw McDonald’s wrappers—I think it was a Filet-O-Fish—and a pizza box, and a few candy wrappers, and…Eric, was that a bag of French onion or barbeque potato chips we saw? Do you remember? The bag was green.”
    Eric grunted.
    “So I think if it was green then it must have been French onion chips.” Her recitation concluded, Izzy turned her anxious gaze back to the vet. “Is Zeus going to be okay?”
    Dr. Wu smiled. “He’ll be fine. But if he ate some rancid fish, well…I don’t need to tell you that’s not so good.”
    “It’s my fault for being, ah, distracted.” For emphasis, she shot Eric the kind of icy glance he imagined she’d give Adolf Hitler if he walked into the room. “I turned my back for a minute and Zeus just went wild.”
    Dr. Wu consulted his clipboard. “Well, the good news is that the vomiting seems to be tapering off—”
    “Thank God for that,” Eric murmured, earning himself another death glare from Isabella.
    “—but I’m still debating whether to give him an IV or not. To keep him hydrated.”
    “Whatever you think is best,” Isabella said anxiously.
    “Let’s give it a few more minutes and see what happens.”
    “Can you give him Fluffles?” Isabella handed the stuffed bunny to Dr. Wu, who looked startled but took it anyway. “It’s his transition object.”
    “Ah…sure.” Smiling and flashing Eric a discreet but clearly sympathetic look— Poor guy, you have your hands full dealing with these two, don’t you? —Dr. Wu left.
    The second the door clicked shut behind him, Izzy rounded on Eric again. Wild-eyed and indignant, she waved her arms and read him the riot act in a fierce whisper.
    “If Zeus doesn’t recover, it’ll be your fault for not keeping your hands off me. I never would’ve turned my back on him but for you and your little under-the-tree seduction scene. Why didn’t you keep your hands to yourself? Huh? How was I supposed to think straight and be a responsible pet owner with you climbing all over me?”
    But she wasn’t finished with him yet. “ This is why we need to just go ahead and sleep together, satisfy our curiosity, and get back to the way things were before. It’s the only way. We’ll just do the deed, and then—”
    Eric had, obviously, slipped into the nether region between the Twilight Zone and the regular world, a place where downwas up and in was out. Holding up a cautious hand, he stopped her, mid-rant.
    “Are you telling me,” he said, speaking slowly to ensure that there were no dropped syllables, mangled words or other errors of communication, “that you want to have sex with me so you can satisfy your curiosity—”
    “—get it over with—”
    “—and get on with your life?”
    That’s what he thought she’d said. It wasn’t his imagination making a fool of him. She had, in fact, proposed the kind of exceptionally stupid idea that tended to get a person fired or killed.
    Flabbergasted, he stared at her earnest face and wondered what’d happened to the brilliant Izzy he’d always known, the one who’d gotten better grades than him all through their undergraduate careers at Princeton. How could she suggest something this ridiculous? Had she been watching too many I Love Lucy reruns? Was that it?
    “Are you insane?” he asked her.
    In fact, she looked vaguely hurt, as if she couldn’t quite understand why he wasn’t jumping on her offer to have no-questions-asked sex with her. He didn’t understand, either, to tell the truth. All he knew was that a nasty, sickening feeling was growing in his gut and he had the sudden, near-overwhelming urge to take

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