Rival Love

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Book: Rival Love by Natalie Decker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Decker
    “I see. So, would you like to tell me what happened?”
    I’m not sure what she’s implying by this vague question. Does she want to know about what happened in the classroom? Or is she asking about my life, and the reason behind this transfer? I shrug. “That’s a vague question.”
    She frowns. “Ohhh-kay. I can see you haven’t changed much.”
    What’s that suppose to mean? “I’m sorry.”
    Mrs. Walker straightens her pencil skirt and paces the space between the desk and dry-erase board. “It wasn’t meant to be offensive, I just forgot you want specific questions in order to give correct answers.” She pauses for a second and then sighs. “Why are you here in this school?”
    I swallow hard. “My mom’s love life brought us here. As for what happened in Mr. Munzo’s class…well, the other students still see me as a Bulldog, and would probably kill me if they could. That boy tried to pour his drink on me. I just got it on him first. So, why are you here? Didn’t like our school system?”
    She smiles. “My husband moved his business to this section of town. The teaching position I’ve always wanted opened up over here, so I took it. End of story.”
    “Mr. Munzo didn’t look like he was going to spit in your coffee and key your car during lunch,” I say with a shrug.
    She laughs. “No. Then again, I’m not well-known like you are. Come on. We have to go see the principal. Don’t worry, I’ll put in a good word for you. The most you might get for misbehavior is an hour’s worth of detention which, luck would have it, I’ve been assigned after school.”
    Great. An ex-teacher, her ex-student, and a room full of misfits. What more could I ask for?

Chapter 14
    World Literature started a good twenty minutes before Skylar decides to waltz into the classroom. The girls in the first two rows actually shut up and stare in silence. Our teacher, Ms. Norris, hands Skylar a paper and a book then tells her to go find a desk.
    The girls don’t start whispering again until after Skylar makes her way past their row. “Oh no, she isn’t. What the hell is she even doing here?” Ceria asks in a booming voice.
    “I know. You’re on the wrong side of the tracks, Bulldog,” Laura chimes in.
    This feels like a repeat of civics. I hope she doesn’t dump any more sports drinks. The last thirty-five minutes of civics was pure hell. Gabe reeked of fruit punch, and I can’t take another second let alone twenty-five minutes of that scent.
    Skylar impresses me, though. I actually hate admitting this, but it’s true. It’s obvious she didn’t tell Mr. Munzo the truth nor did she tell Erin I Saran-Wrapped the toilet. This girl is just full of surprises, to say the least.
    I watch her make her way to the windows and take a seat in the far back. Our class has less than twenty students in it, so she’s practically by herself back in the corner. I’m surprised Ms. Norris hasn’t asked her to move yet, but I guess she feels sorry for Skylar. Maybe I kind of feel bad for her too. It’s gotta suck for her, but if the roles were reversed I’m pretty sure Skylar would be just as cruel if any of us were walking into Bulldog territory.
    “Continuing where I left off on the syllabus, Caleb, would you please read what you’ll be reading and learning in class this year?” Ms. Norris says.
    I clear my throat and begin, “Our reading list will contain works from A Separate Peace by John Knowles . ” A snort comes from the back of the room, and I can only assume it’s from Skylar. I don’t know what’s so amusing about this title, but I don’t want to find out. “Also My Antonia by Willa Cather, along with some works of poetry. We will learn how to read poetry as well as write it and learn the different styles of writing and how to apply them.”
    “Thank you. Any questions, class?”
    No one raises their hand. Everyone acts mute, even the girls a few seats in front of me. “All right.

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