Rising of a Mage

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Book: Rising of a Mage by J. M. Fosberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. M. Fosberg
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middle of the night. I was unaware of what it was when I heard it. It may have left us alone completely, if I had not come out, but I think it was better to deal with it, than wait and find out. I had read the magic bolt spell over and over, so, when I lit the area and saw the panther, I cast the spell. I had obviously not mastered the spell, so I willed the bolt, pictured it hitting the target where I wanted, said the command word and killed the panther. Like you said, I forgot the spell once it was cast. I have, however, relearned it and I believe I have now nearly mastered it well enough to retain the ability to use it again once cast.”
    “Anwar, you continue to impress me.”
    “Sir, there was one more thing I feel I should understand, but I am still unsure of.”
    “And that would be?”
    “Well, sir, when I cast the spell I felt a pull as it left, almost as if I felt the energy that the bolt used as it left me. It was not substantial, but I did feel it.”
    Master Gabriel smiled. Why did he look so pleased by this?
    “Anwar, have you ever felt this before?”
    “Yes sir. Every time I cast magic this weekend, even if it was just to make light, I could feel it, but with light or fire it was hardly noticeable.” “Yes, yes, very good, Anwar. You have learned to truly control magic. The pull that you feel is you controlling the magic and the amount of energy that you allow to put into the magic itself. It seems that you controlled the spell so that it would use the minimal amount of energy necessary to kill the animal, rather than allow the bolt to completely destroy it.”
    “Yes, sir, now I remember. I will return to my notes and study this more. I remember reading about it and now it truly makes sense to me. There was one more thing I wanted to ask, if you could help me, sir?”
    “Anwar, it would seem you guide your training to what you desire before I offer what I feel you should learn. I am sure you are about to do it again”
    “Ah… yes. Sir? I was hoping to make the panther’s hide into a coat as well as the two rabbit hides I collected this weekend. The panther’s fur is jet black and the rabbits were both a snowy white. I believe it will make a beautiful coat and I would like to imbue the coat with magic. I have been reading about enchantments and the creation of magical items. I read about one enchantment that will make clothing keep its wearer warm in the cold and cool in the heat, but I have not been able to figure out exactly how it is done.”
    “Ah well, I believe you have the ability to accomplish this and so I would assist you, but would you mind telling me why you are making this coat?”
    “Well, sir, Mariah’s birthday is in two months. She is my best friend and I wanted to do something special for her. I could have the stitching completed by the end of the week; I would like to cast the enchantments before her birthday.”
    Gabriel noticed that he had said enchantments, which he took to mean that Anwar intended to place other enchantments on this coat, which he must have been able to figure out already. He did not mention it. “Well, as to the enchantment of this coat, creating a magical item is extremely draining on a wizard. It leaves you weak, and the recovery is not short. I will indeed help you.”
    He walked to a shelf in his office that held a number of scrolls. He took one down and handed it to Anwar. “Study this scroll, memorize it exactly. You may copy it if you want, but remember its effect on you when we have completed your coat, and do not use it lightly in the future. I would suggest that you start a book of spells that you can study and will not master, and I see this as the first for you to add to it. Before you leave my apprenticeship I will give you another that you can use to protect your spell book and bind it, so that it cannot be destroyed by fire and will only readable by a spell of your choosing.”
    Gabriel thought he saw an excited smile start to form on

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