Rise of The Iron Eagle (The Iron Eagle Series Book 1)

Read Online Rise of The Iron Eagle (The Iron Eagle Series Book 1) by Roy A. Teel Jr. - Free Book Online

Book: Rise of The Iron Eagle (The Iron Eagle Series Book 1) by Roy A. Teel Jr. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roy A. Teel Jr.
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kept watching.
    The Eagle spoke again, “The instruments and tools you see on this table are the property of Mr. Roskowski. They are the tools that he used on his victims, and they are the same tools that have been and will continue to be used on him.” Roskowski started screaming as a hand, presumably that of The Eagle, took a circular knife and laid it under his chin. “That looks like a scraping scalpel used in abortions or D&Cs,” one of Steve’s team members said. The sheet lifted off of the victim on its own, drawn as a magician would remove a covering from a levitating assistant. The nude body of Roskowski was exposed, bloodied and bruised. His genitals were swollen and discolored as if they had been beaten. The hands of The Eagle moved the tool slowly and deliberately. He used the instrument like a pen, moving it slowly from Roskowski’s neck down his chest and abdomen until it came to rest on his penis. A small line was being carved into the full torso of Roskowski as the instrument was moved and a line of crimson lay in the wake of the blade. All the while Roskowski was screaming, but he remained still as the steel tool was descending toward his genitals.
    The voice of The Eagle rose above the screams of his victim. “Mr. Roskowski, you have admitted guilt in the torture, rape, and murder of all of your victims. I hereby sentence you to endure the same long and brutal death that you inflicted on them. May God NOT have mercy on your soul.” With that, The Eagle took Roskowski’s penis and scrotum in one hand and twisted and pulled them straight up. Roskowski’s screams continued as The Eagle used the tool in his other hand to emasculate Roskowski. The scream was deafening; arterial spray struck the camera lens. Several of Steve’s staff looked away; one ran to a nearby sink and threw up. Steve, Jim, and most of the others just watched as two huge arms covered by white sleeves with hands covered in black gloves drove a solid stainless steel rod into the hole that once held Stewart’s penis and testicles. Smoke rose as the unit cauterized the wound, and the screams of Stewart Roskowski echoed through the room. “Oh my God…I can’t believe the cruelty I’m witnessing,” said one of Steve’s profilers. Jim piped up, “I know this killer; you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
    The Eagle grabbed Roskowski and flipped him onto his stomach. His ass was bloody and bruised, and The Eagle moved out of camera range for a moment and then returned with an oscillating device with a large rubber penis on it. The screams of Roskowski continued as The Eagle drove the dildo into Stewart’s anus, and the decibel level of his screams rose as the screen began to fade to black. The blood curdling screams commenced until they, too, faded out.
    There were a few moments of silence broken eventually by Jim. “Well…that was interesting. So where do you think we’ll find Mr. Roskowski and his junk?” He asked it in such an off-the-cuff manner that Steve started laughing. It became infectious, and the entire room broke out into laughter. They knew it was wrong but couldn’t help themselves. Only Janet remained silent with a look of horror and disgust on her face. “So, do you still think that The Eagle isn’t a psychopath?” Steve turned to the room’s other inhabitants. “Look people, I know that this is a new phenomenon for this killer, but we see this type of thing every day.” “The hell we do,” said Janet, “we see corpses, we see photographs, but we don’t see a serial killer kill his victim before our very eyes.” Steve remained standing. “Mr. Roskowski didn’t die as a result of what we just witnessed.” Janet looked confused. “What are you talking about? This sicko just sentenced Roskowski to death and cut off his genitals. He’s dead.” Steve let out a little chuckle. “Janet, I know you’re new to the field, so I’m going to give you a little latitude here. Mr. Roskowski was still alive and

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