Rise of Legends (The Kin of Kings Book 2)

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Book: Rise of Legends (The Kin of Kings Book 2) by B.T. Narro Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.T. Narro
    “Swooor. Swooor.” He gestured with his head at his sword against his wardrobe. Sanya had taken his dagger.
    Alabell grabbed the weapon with both hands, but its weight seemed to surprise her as it fell against the floor with a crack. She dragged it over to him as he held up his hands. Reela tumbled in next, neither of the women half as agile as Sanya. Reela cursed and grabbed her knee that had banged against the hard floor, then hobbled over as Alabell began to saw at the sheet holding Basen’s hands together.
    Reela untied the shirt around Basen’s head. He spat out the sock.
    “Get Annah to the medical building,” he ordered.
    Annah tried to speak against her gag. Reela hurried over and freed her from it. By then, Alabell had cut away enough of the sheet for Basen to remove the rest on his own.
    He could faintly hear Cleve screaming that Sanya was the murderer. Hopefully the wall guards would be alerted before she got there, not that Basen had any idea which wall she would choose.
    He was beginning to feel dizzy from loss of blood.
    “Can you stop the bleeding?” Reela asked Alabell, who had lit the lamp on Basen’s desk and brought it with her as she plopped down and leaned over his leg for a look.
    “I can try.”
    “What about Annah?” Basen asked.
    “Hers doesn’t look as deep,” Alabell replied after hardly a glance. “Reela, tie something around her wound, and make sure it’s tight. We need to transport them to the medical building.”
    “How?” Reela asked with a dreadful fear in her voice that sent a chill down Basen’s spine, for only then did he realize that neither Reela nor Alabell could carry him that far.
    “We’ll find a way,” Alabell said. “Just get Annah’s bleeding under control.”
    “Damn Cleve,” Reela muttered as she worked. “I told him not to run off.”
    “I heard,” Basen said. “I’m going to haunt that bastard if I die.”
    Alabell finished with amazing speed, then took over for Reela on Annah’s leg. There was great pain and pressure in his leg, but his other was fine. He fought against the dizziness as he tried to get to his feet. Reela offered both hands to help.
    He fell. Reela tried to catch him, but he was too heavy for her and they both came crashing down.
    Alabell seemed to be finished wrapping Annah’s leg by then. She pulled the small psychic up.
    “Can you hop?”
    “Not all the way there,” Annah admitted with considerable panic.
    “Carry her,” Basen told the other women. “And send someone for me.”
    Alabell shook her head. “No, you won’t make it in time.”
    Based on how he was feeling, he believed it. “Then Reela, let’s try again.” Basen pushed himself up. She supported much of his weight as he got on one foot. “We can do this.” We have to.
    The four of them tried to hobble out of the room. Alabell and Annah made good progress, but Basen seemed to be too heavy for Reela. Their gait was awkward, making him feel as if he was about to fall again.
    Somehow, they made it out the front door. But then a wave of dizziness crashed into Basen and turned the world sideways. Reela tried to catch him but fell with him.
    “This is no good,” Alabell complained in an urgent tone. “You’re bleeding much more trying to walk.”
    He looked down at the crimson sheets around his leg. His head was spinning so violently that he wasn’t sure he could get up even if it was the only way to reach the medical building.
    “Help!” Reela yelled. “We need help!”
    One of Reela’s roommates, Steffen, ran around the side of the house and crouched in front of Basen. “Get him on my back.”
    Basen exerted what strength he had left to get his body in place. Steffen’s hands felt hot against Basen’s cold legs. Steffen ran against the wind, but it didn’t seem to slow him. Basen began to shiver and pressed his chest against Steffen’s shirt, which was damp with sweat.
    “God’s mercy, you’re stronger than I first realized,”

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