Ripped (Killer Lips Book 2)

Read Online Ripped (Killer Lips Book 2) by Molly Molloy - Free Book Online

Book: Ripped (Killer Lips Book 2) by Molly Molloy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Molly Molloy
cover the pressure of my swollen breasts.
    A flare of excitement rushes through my pussy as it gains awareness of being virtually naked and spread open. The silk trails into the chasm between my legs, sticking there as the folds become sodden and completely transparent.
    Even with no clue what's going on, my nether lips tingle with the thrill of anticipation. The damp chill air of the palazzo's water level makes my pussy superbly aware of its exposure. Shrill pulses of hunger rise into my chest.
    My legs are spread wide open and tethered at the ankles, my arms above my head and tied taut so my breasts are lifted sailing high on my chest. My nipples are raging hard, keening with an insatiable need to be lapped and tugged.
    How long have I been here? My mouth is dry and my stomach feels hollow with emptiness. It's been a while. I writhe my hips a little to release the stiffness
    I know this room. Which means—
    I stretch my eyes to the side, and then up ahead of me. It hurts to move my eyeballs, like they're stuck in position. There it is-the single tiny eye of the camera lens. I can almost see Mark in the room I discovered looking down on me, straight between my spread legs. My pussy is wide open on camera for his perusal. How long have I been here? There are no windows in the portigo level so I have no idea if it's night or day.
    On the inside the room is smaller than it seemed on the camera lens, perhaps a wide angle. But now I can see the instruments in the cabinet on the wall beside me up close. And they don't look like anything I can imagine being pleasurable.
    Is this a game? Is Mark stepping it up a level to try me with some real bondage? If so why doesn't he come in now that I'm awake?
    No that does not compute.
    Why was I asleep while he tied me up? One minute we were feeding each other a creamy pungent dessert, next I wake up with a pounding head. Did he-?
    No. He'd have no reason to drug me. I've complied with every little kink he's adopted in my bedroom, and with gusto. He knows if he wanted to indulge in any kind of new game I'd be more than willing. Unless.
    My eyes scream across to the tools lining the wall in neat rows. There are no whips, nothing vibrator like. Nothing is familiar to me, not that I'm any great expert in sexual apparatus but I do live in Vegas so I'm not a total newb to kinky pleasures.
    There are some clampy things but they are more than just ordinary vice grips. These are complete with long cords attached and another gizmo at the other end. My body shivers all the way through seeing the horrible picks and prods like a dentist uses. And then some very surgical looking knives. Knives?
    My eyes tear back to the camera.
    “Mark are you up there?” I whimper. I have no idea if the room is wired for sound so make my mouth into explicit clear shapes so he can't fail to lip read. Then with only the sinister single eye blinking back at me, I add “You're scaring me now.”
    “You're awake at last.”
My heart hurls itself into my mouth. The voice above my head is not who I'd expected. But I know that soft growl well. Josh is seated back there behind me, out of my eyeline. My breasts are wobbling in time to the wild beat of my heart beneath them. I'm pinned so tight to the table, I can barely squirm.
    “Why am I bound up in here. With you?”
    “You tell me. I want to hear you say it, Rye.”
    What is it he wants me to tell him? He rises from his seat to tower over me. He looks weird, his face is contorted with lust and something else. Could it be triumph?
    “Please don't hurt me,” I whimper, disgusted by the pathetic begging in my own voice.
    “Why would I want to hurt you?”
    His hand trails along the side of my neck and over the rise of my breast.
    “Certainly not now that you're mine at last.”
    His palm scrapes across the hard nipple and I shudder under him.
    “I've been waiting for you, my sweet Rye.”
    He walks down the length of the table, grazing his fingertips along the

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