Rhett in Love

Read Online Rhett in Love by J. S. Cooper - Free Book Online

Book: Rhett in Love by J. S. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. S. Cooper
Tags: dpgroup.org, IDS@DPG
again as well.” I laughed and caressed her face, before pausing. “You know I just came inside of you right?”
    “I know.” She nodded. “I got carried away, I wasn’t even thinking about that.”
    “We should be fine.” I kissed her lightly. “But we have to be more careful next time.”
    “I know.” She moaned. “I never thought I could be so irresponsible.”
    “None of us are—”
    “What’s going on here?” A loud male voice shouted behind me and we both froze. I turned over slowly, praying to God that it wasn’t who I thought it was. My heart sunk when I saw the police officer.
    “Hi officer, my girlfriend and I were just waking up from a nap.” I nodded at him and I knew that Clementine was freaking out.
    “You came to Danehy Park to sleep?” He gave me an incredulous look.
    “Yes officer. Well we had a picnic and then fell asleep.”
    “And sleeping involves screaming? Or did you both have nightmares?”
    “I, uh...” My voice trailed off as I fiddled with my zipper. I turned to look at Clementine and her face was bright red as she avoided eye contact with me. “Well, it’s raining now officer, so I think we’re going to head home.”
    “I don’t think so young man.” He stepped towards us. “Both of you get up and don’t make any sudden moves.”
    “Sudden moves?” I asked and he frowned. “Really officer, we’ll be fine. We were just saying we’re ready to go home.”
    “I’m sure you were.” He pursed his lips. “However, I’m about to change those plans. I think you’ll be enjoy a trip to the precinct.”
    “Precinct?” My heart stopped. Clementine was going to kill me. She was literally going to rip my heart out and eat it with her bare hands.
    “I’m going to have to take you both in for sex in a public place and indecent exposure.”
    “What indecent exposure?” I jumped up. “We’re both dressed.”
    “Young man, are you threatening me?” He grabbed his baton.
    “What?” I asked incredulously. Was this guy crazy?
    “Do not raise your voice at me.” He said in a deep tone and I knew that I had to be careful with what I said next.
    “Officer, I want to apologize for our actions today.” Clementine jumped up and said softly. “We were irresponsible and we have learned our lesson. Please don’t arrest us.” I saw the police officer staring at Clementine for a few seconds and I could see that he was taken in by her.
    “If you just let us go, I can give you a thousand dollars.” I spoke up and I heard Clementine groan. I knew immediately that I’d fucked up.
    “Are you trying to bribe a police officer sir?”
    “Please, officer.” Clementine stepped forward. “My boyfriend and I are new here, we’re from South Carolina and well life’s a bit different there. Please forgive him, he’s just confused and worried. I promise you that if you let us go, you won’t see us here again.”
    “Lady,” the officer addressed her with a frown. “I’m going to let you both go with a warning, but I want to give you some advice. Find a better boyfriend. A guy that loves you would be taking you out for a nice dinner and to a nice hotel for some real loving. This piece of cheap scum is only looking out for himself. He’s what we call a player. Any guy that is taking you to the park to get romantic is not the guy for you. Trust me, I’m a good judge of character. I know men like him. You seem like a nice girl and I think it’d serve you well to listen to my advice.”
    “Thank you, officer.” Clementine nodded and I froze feeling furious. How dare he try and tell my girlfriend to leave me? He was obviously looking for a beat down, but I knew that if I laid one finger on him I’d be going away for a long time. I sighed and looked to the ground. “Rhett, help me gather up this stuff.” Clementine hissed at me, with fire in her eyes. “And let’s go.”
    “I’m going to leave you all to it now.” The officer stared at me with narrowed eyes. “I

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