
Read Online Revenge by Sierra Rose - Free Book Online

Book: Revenge by Sierra Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sierra Rose
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
seventh grade all over again. There was definitely a flirty vibe going on between us, and excitement brewed in the air.
    When I turned my head, I caught his gaze wandering over my body. I smiled as he checked me out and grinned.
    His eyes bore into mine. “You look hot.”
    I felt my cheeks burning at his compliment. I wanted to grab him and kiss him, right there in front of all those people, and I wouldn’t have cared what anyone thought about it. My staff might have been off limits to Kyle, but that sexy bartender was certainly not off limits to me. “Thanks,” I said, grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat, my cheeks turning redder by the second.
    When the bar closed, Art rolled up his sleeves, revealing his sexy forearms. He walked over to the jukebox and picked some slow songs. Everyone had left because it was our turn to close up.
    “I work better with fast songs,” I called over.
    He walked back to where I was and gently pulled me close. “I work better with slow songs.”
    My heart skipped a beat at his touch. “Um…we have work to do,” I said.
    He smiled, picked me up, and spun me around. “Yes we do.”
    I laughed. “C’mon. Put me down.”
    “It was a hell of a night,” he said, gently setting me back on the floor.
    I sighed. “Yep. One of the busiest nights ever.”
    My skin tingled from his gaze. His five-o’clock shadow was so damn sexy; that light scruff got me every single time. What made me think my silly little revenge plan would ever work ? I mocked myself. One look in those endless pools of chocolate, and I was ready to throw it all out the window. Things would have been so much easier if Art would just have hated me for being so mean, if he would have quit his job and gone on his way instead of sticking around and making me fall for him all over again.
    He held out his hand, staring at me with those penetrating eyes. “Do you even know what kind of an effect you have on me, Alexis?” he asked.
    “I’d say we’ve got the attraction and chemistry part down pat,” I said. “All we need is a little—”
    “Love dust, to pull the rest all together.”
    “Love dust? What are you, Tinker Bell?” I laughed.
    “Sorry. I just wanted to see you smile again.”
    “Well, instead of love dust, I meant a little more time to know each other,” I said.
    “I love the way you laugh,” he said.
    “Then keep using your great sense of humor.”
    “I’m just glad you’re not so…grumpy anymore. You’ve got a beautiful smile, Alexis.”
    My lips brushed against his. “I assure you, I’m not grumpy.”
    He left soft, gentle pecks on my forehead, eyes, cheeks, and lips. “I can definitely tell.”
    I touched his face, cupping it in my hands. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I tried to fight it. I really did, but I just…can’t.”
    He wrapped his arms around me. “All I know is that the world seems perfect when you’re in my arms,” he said.
    “Art, you’re not like any guy I’ve ever met.”
    “How about one dance before we clean this place up?” he asked in a low, deep voice.
    My breathing grew faster, and my palms began to moisten. I couldn’t believe I was feeling this way about the man who hurt me, who jilted me. I wanted to forget about Art, to get my revenge and move on with my life, but I couldn’t forget him, even if I wanted to. I couldn’t resist the dance. What’s one song?
    I held out my hand, and he gripped it and led me out into the middle of the room. My heartbeat sped as he held me close for a slow dance. Art was the kind of guy every girl would dream of holding. I felt weak at the knees, and adrenaline surged through me. My heart raced with excitement, and I had never felt so alive.
    His eyes were so pretty, his smile so bright. His lips lowered on mine, slowly, softly, and ever so gently. A surge of electricity flooded through me. I couldn’t deny what was going on between us. He cupped my face and stared into my eyes. I just got lost in those

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