Revenge of a Chalet Girl:
“And she’s a bitch. Don’t tell me you missed that?”
    “She could be stressed out by the wedding. Lots of brides become a bit…stressy.” Amy knelt down and began to open up the boxes to work out what was in them. She tried to locate the food samples first.
    Tash leant against the balcony railing, seemingly unbothered. “Don’t make excuses for her, a bitch is a bitch. Trust me, my bitch radar never fails.”
    “But Josh wouldn’t marry a bitch, he’s lov…too nice.” Amy’s cheeks burned with heat despite the cold night air.
    I nearly said he was lovely. Get over it Amy. He’s marrying her and that’s that.
    “She’s not a woman’s woman. I bet she behaves quite differently around men. I’d put money on Josh knowing a different Juliet.” Tash moved unhurriedly to the boxes and took the film-covered platters of mini-rostis and raclette while Amy picked up the plate with the very tempting Swiss chocolates.
    How can Josh be marrying that woman? How?
    “I don’t know why we’re serving these to her. It’s a bit late to change her mind.” Amy felt her heart sink down to her boots as they headed back into the room. “Holly will go ballistic if any drastic changes are made at this stage.”
    When they entered the room Juliet kept her back to them and continued her conversation with her friends even though she must’ve felt the draught of icy air from the open doors. Then she waved a hand at them impatiently, signalling they should bring the platters over, but still didn’t turn to look at them.
    Amy knew Juliet had no idea who she was. She was like the snooty guests they get at Chalet Repos occasionally, the ones to whom all staff were invisible.
    “Oh, you are awful.” A brunette with a Cleopatra bob shrieked with laughter. “I still can’t believe you hooked up with Tom in Ibiza. Still I suppose it was worth having a final farewell shag.”
    “Who says it was a farewell shag?” Juliet raised her eyebrows as she took a mini rosti from the tray Tash carried and eyed it dubiously.
    Amy struggled not to drop the tray.
    Did I really hear that right?
    What kind of woman went around boasting in front of strangers? Oh, except she and Tash didn’t count because they were staff, practically sub-human.
    “Are you sure you’re ready to get married?” A blonde looked disdainfully at the tray. “I know Josh is a honey and everything but if you like the thrill of the chase… look I don’t do carbs or dairy okay?”
    Her last remark had been irritably addressed to Tash.
    “You’ll go hungry in Switzerland then,” Tash muttered and Juliet turned to look at her, annoyed.
    “Where is the fondue? There is supposed to be a savoury and a chocolate fondue for each table.” Juliet snapped.
    “We could hardly bring a fondue, we’d need gas for a start.” Amy found her voice, her irritation rushing to the surface.
    Juliet pursed her mouth, cross lines appearing on her forehead. “Bring the table decorations then, we don’t have all evening.”
    Then she turned her back on them again.
    Amy bit her lip as she strode over to the balcony windows with Tash, fury bubbling up in her. They left the doors open this time, not caring if the occupants of the room got cold.
    Juliet’s voice carried out to the balcony.
    “The thrill of an affair is just as good, trust me.” Juliet laughed. “Anyway, it’s always been my plan to marry before I’m thirty. Josh is a fantastic catch. He’ll treat me well and look after me financially. He’s inherited this huge period cottage in the Exmoor National Park. Once he sells that we’ll be rolling in it.”
    Amy’s hands shook and she dropped the lid of one of the boxes. Her grief at the news of Josh’s parents’ accident was still so fresh that Juliet’s words made her feel like she’d been slapped in the face.
    How can she, how can she be so callous, so grasping… so…
    “And Josh wants to settle down too and start a family as soon as possible. I’m fine

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