Revenge | A Steamy Mafia Bad Boy Romance

Read Online Revenge | A Steamy Mafia Bad Boy Romance by Rose Cody - Free Book Online

Book: Revenge | A Steamy Mafia Bad Boy Romance by Rose Cody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Cody
Jennifer.” Andrei whispers to her, pressing his forehead against hers.
    “I have to.” She says, pulling away from him as her legs tremble. “I have to.”
    “Alright boys, let’s load it up!” Andrei says, turning back around to face the men as he waves his hand in the air.
      This is it.

Chapter 13
      She looks out of the black tinted windows of the van out into the lush yard of Brent Donaldson’s house, her skin crawling as she gazes up to the waving American flag as it flaps on its pole between the manicured cedar’s in front of the front porch.
    “And you’re sure he has no kids or anything?” She asks, her heart beating in her ears. ‘No wife still in bed sleeping?”
    “No, ma’am.” One of the men say as he shakes his head. “No kids. Maid not here until Thursday. Gardener just came yesterday. No wife to speak of, either, anymore from the looks of it. At least, no one came home last night while we were on lookout.”
    “Yeah.” The other guy says. “The man seems to be downright hated in pretty much all areas of his life. The richest always are.”
    “Are we ready?” Andrei asks, nodding as he looks everyone over before unzipping the duffle and pulling out the rifles one by one, distributing them to everyone.
      He places the gun on Jennifer’s lap, before pointing towards the barrel.
    “This is the side you point with, okay?” He asks, holding back a laugh as she glares into his eyes.
    “You’re not helping things, Andrei.” She says, shaking her head as she holds the gun in her shaking hands.
    “Sorry.” He whispers, brushing his fingertips gently over her cheek. “You don’t need to know how to use it. It’s just so it doesn’t look like you’re vulnerable.”
      She nods her head, looking back out the window as she notices the car backed into the driveway with the dent on the bumper.
    “Let’s go.” She whispers, her voice low and deep as anger begins to rise up throughout her body.
      Andrei flashes her a coy smirk as he opens the side door of the van before he and his men hop out.  He holds out his hand, helping her step out of the van before she follows them between the buses, down the path and through the side gate to the backyard of Brent Donaldson’s property.
    “There he is…” The fatter one says as, looking through the glass of the back door into the kitchen as he watches the mayor’s son stir his coffee as he leans against his kitchen counter. “Perfect.”
      Jennifer gasps before biting her tongue as she hears the crashing bang of broken glass as one of the men smashes through the window, reaching through the door to unlock it and let everyone inside.
    “GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!” They all shout together as they sprint up the back stairs.
    “Who’s there?!” She hears, her stomach turning as they rush into the kitchen, surrounding Brent Donaldson as he drops his mug to the floor, sinking into the spilled coffee. “What’s going on!?”
    “Where’s your safe?!” She hears Andrei shout as he walks closer to the man as he crawls across the floor. “Where’s your fucking safe?!”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” The man cries, the panic building in his voice as they close in on him. “I don’t have a safe, I don’t have a safe!”
    “Where do you keep your fucking money?” Andrei asks, kneeling down to his level.
    “Not here, not here!” The man begs. “It’s somewhere else! My wife took it all! I swear!”
    “I’m going to ask you one last time.” Andrei says, pushing the barrel of the gun up against Brent’s temple. “Tell me. Where. It. Is.”
      Jennifer shakes as she watches the man’s face turn red, his chest heaving as he screams loudly.
    “HELP ME!” He yells, scrambling to climb up the counter. “SOMEONE HELP ME!”
    “Oh, for fuck sakes, will you shut the fuck up?!” Andrei says,

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