Reveal (Cryptid Tales)

Read Online Reveal (Cryptid Tales) by Brina Courtney - Free Book Online

Book: Reveal (Cryptid Tales) by Brina Courtney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brina Courtney
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pull my scarf around my neck. I always feel like it’s cold when it’s this dark no matter what time of year. I get out and walk holding my flashlight out in front of me. I can hear voices up ahead. There are more voices than there should be. There’s a distinct difference between live voices and dead ones. People who have passed lack control of their final consonants, meaning there’s almost always a wispiness to the end of their words. In the conversation up ahead I hear both live and dead voices. I shine my light in their direction and two things surprise me. One, there’s about ten or so ghosts here, all children, not in the plan, Jeremy . Two, there is a guy here, a guy I know and that I’m practically in love with.
    “ Excuse me,” I say loudly, knowing he’s already seen me, “do you know this is private property?”
    “ Yes, I do, and I also happen to know you’re trespassing.” I get a better look at him now that I’m closer. Shit , he has a security uniform on. How am I going to talk my way out of this one? He looks me up and down, sizing me up, I’m not sure if he is thinking about tazeing me or sleeping with me, but either way I’m slightly worried.
    “ I didn’t know they had security out here. I was just taking a walk and I heard voices, thought I’d come check it out.”
    “ Shay, that’s dangerous and besides you were taking a walk? At 12:30 at night?”
    “ Yep.”
    “ That’s highly unusual.”
    “ If you talk to my mom she’ll tell you that I am highly unusual and you certainly know what she’s like. Anyway, about those voices…” and with that I spot him, Jeremy is at the front of the crowd looking right at me a huge smile plastered on his face.
    “ Yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about, but it’s time to move along. Maybe I should give you a ride home.”
    “ No it’s OK, I’ll just walk from here.” Before I get the chance to pretend to walk away Jeremy comes running toward me and I see it in Hugh’s eyes, for just a second, that he sees the little boy too. I feel the cold on my body as I always do when Jeremy touches me, but this time he has his arms around me in an all out hug. I can’t help but smile, and when I do Tall, Dark and Handsome’s eyes go right to the place where Jeremy’s little hands are.
    “ Who are you?” Hugh says to me clear as day, no more hiding I guess.
    “ Shay Tafford, we’ve met before, remember? I’m Calculus girl and apparently that’s all I’m good for. You said we’d hang out, but we haven’t. I think the real question here is who are you?”
    He shakes his head. “I know who you are, but how do you know all these kids?”
    I pause. Can I trust him? His trustworthy golden eyes tell me I can, but if he can see them too, this is all a little much. And why are his eyes golden tonight? What happened to the mysterious green? I look him up and down one final time. Decision, I need to trust him. We can all run or levitate away if he turns out to be dangerous, though I pray he’s not. I really want things to work out between Hugh and me.
    “ Well that’s not what you asked. And I know only one, but I bet I can figure out who the rest are, why?”
    Hugh starts in on a rant I never expected. “Because they’re out of bed and it’s late! And Madame will wonder where they’ve gone! Are you crazy having them out here without her, what are you thinking?” He’s flipping out, not about the fact that the kids are dead, he’s upset at the fact they’re out of bed this late at night. Weirdo.
    “ You need to calm down,” I tell him. Jeremy is now standing to the right of me holding my hand. His cold fingers interlace with mine, but he still has a goofy grin on his face.
    “ Do you know this man?” I ask Jeremy quietly bending down to his now short level.
    Jeremy looks up at me with those big brown eyes I’ve missed so much. “Oh yes, he’s the

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