Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2)

Read Online Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2) by Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild - Free Book Online

Book: Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2) by Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild
Tags: General Fiction
the minute Bash got inside and closed the front door. Thanking her lucky stars, she hurried back down the sidewalk to meet the car as her plan began to take shape.
    Things are coming to a head.
    In one move, she could make it so Alex Roberts would not need to fade into obscurity, Bash would not have to be kept in the dark, and her true fans would know she had a heart where her family was concerned.
    Lexxi Rock is going to show up at dinner with Evangelyn Reese!
    It was perfect, actually. She would make the time to pull Bash aside before dinner and tell him what she had been doing all along—dressed as Lexxi—and let the chips fall as they might. He was bringing his friends, so it was not likely that Bash would be upset or cause a scene. Plus, he had mentioned they were Lexxi Rock fans, so they would be thrilled to meet her. They’d probably see Bash as their hero for introducing them. On top of all that, the media was sure to show up the second she presented herself in that purple wig, and with Eva, no less. It was a win-win-win all round.
    The limousine stopped, and Eva leaned out, shouting a hearty hello as the driver came around to open the passenger door. “I thought you’d let me meet the sexy firefighter, Lex,” she exclaimed with a cheeky grin.
    “You will!” she told her, stepping inside. Alexandra chuckled breathlessly, relieved at escaping Bash without a mishap. She set the box aside and had a good look at Eva. Reaching across the wide seat. She gave her a warm hug. “I’m so happy to see you, hun.”
    “Me too, love.”
    “You could have given me a heads up you were coming!”
    Eva laughed. “What fun would that be? There’s no flair in the predictable, dear. You know how much I love making an entrance.”
    “I forgot who I was dealing with,” Alexandra teased. “On the topic of being unpredictable, I just had the most brilliant aha moment!”
    “Good God. More unpredictable than cutting your hair, dressing like a guy for a month and falling for your neighbor? Oh my God, look at you! Your hair! I absolutely love it, Lex. It’s so you.”
    “Thanks hun.”
    “So tell me all about it,” Eva bubbled. “I want to hear everything.”
    The limo smoothly accelerated away, with Alexandra looking back to see Sebastian’s house shrink in the growing distance. She returned her attention to Eva, and self-consciously ran a hand through her unruly curls.
    “Do you really like it?”
    “I do. Maybe I can do something like that too. I’d need a perm for sure, but we would be twinning around Tucson! That would create a media frenzy for sure, love. The paparazzi would forget all about your time in France.”
    “God. I can’t imagine. Anyhow, guess what’s in the box?”
    Eva looked down at the parcel sitting between them. “I have no idea.”
    “Rick made me a purple wig! He said it’s exactly how my hair was. I can be Lexxi Rock again. It’ll come in handy now that you’re here.”
    “Excuse me for following your orders to fly out and save your ass, darling,” she said, giggling.
    “I know, I know. I told you I wanted you here, and God knows I need you. Anyhow, before we get too far, you and I have got to talk strategy.”
    Alexandra filled Eva in on the ride downtown to her hotel. On the way over, she sent a message to Rick, letting him know Lexxi Rock would be stepping out sooner than she had told him. Rick replied by the time Alexandra and Eva entered the hotel lobby. Eva checked in at the reception desk. Just as expected, the desk clerk recognized Eva, but not Alexandra. She was still dressed as Alex Roberts, with a baseball cap pulled low over her face, so the recognition and fanfare Eva received did not extend to her. It was perfect.
    She hovered behind Eva like a member of her entourage, smiling secretly at the irony of hiding in plain sight. This alone made her feel better about having gone to such lengths. The female clerk turned up the hospitality, and a moment later, a smartphone

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