Rerouted Obsession - A Sexy New Adult Contemporary Romance Novella

Read Online Rerouted Obsession - A Sexy New Adult Contemporary Romance Novella by Amelia Basinger - Free Book Online

Book: Rerouted Obsession - A Sexy New Adult Contemporary Romance Novella by Amelia Basinger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amelia Basinger
the pantry door, he admired the view he had as she reached up to the top shelf.
                  “How does cereal sound?” her muffled voice asked.
                  “Sounds pretty good right about now.” Jake couldn’t help himself. It was so much fun to get a rise out of her. She held two boxes of cereal in her hands and was looking at him with a narrowed expression.
                  “You better watch it, mister,” she warned, sitting the boxes on the counter and pulling a carton of milk from the fridge.
                  When they were seated at her small breakfast table with red cereal bowls in front of them, Jake realized how much he enjoyed sharing this simplicity with Abby. The no frills cereal at the kitchen table while they were still in pajamas was very foreign to his usual on-the-go business breakfast meetings or hotel continental provisions in at least three different cities every week.
    “What are you thinking about?” Abby asked, breaking his reverie.
    “I’m thinking about how much I like this,” he answered honestly.
    “It’s just generic Raisin Bran, Jake,” she told him quizzically, spoon in the air.
                  “No, not the cereal.This.You and me. Eating breakfast together like we’ve done it a thousand times before,” he explained.He noticed that she blushed a bit at his words. He liked to make her blush.
    “Oh. I like it too,” she replied with a slightly embarrassed smile.
    He finished his breakfast and took their bowls to the sink. Abby poured him another cup of coffee.
    “I’m going to jump in the shower. I will only be a minute, and you can take one when I get out,” she told him as she walked towards the bedroom.
    Jake washed their small amount of breakfast dishes while Abby got in the shower. When he finished, he gave Will a call to make sure he was okay. So much had happened last night,he felt kind of badly that it had just now crossed his mind to check on his friend. He’s a grown man who knows how to take care of himself, though, Jake rightly reasoned.
    “Hey Jake,” Will said into the phone after a couple of rings.
    “Hey man, how did you fare during the storm?” Jake asked him.
    “Pretty darn good. Scarlett and I made it back to the cabin just in the nick of time and have been holed up here all night. I’m not complaining,” Will told him.
    “So you’ve been with Scarlett this whole time?” Jake prompted.
    “Yeah man. She’s great. Where are you?” Will asked.
    “I got stranded at the home of one of the airplane mechanics,” Jake said. He didn’t want to share too many details about his night with Abby. He had a feeling she wouldn’t appreciate it too much.
    “Oh. Okay. Is everyone all right? I have a feeling we will be stuck up here until at least mid-morning,” Will explained.
    “Yeah, it doesn’t seem too bad here. We are heading to the airport in just a little bit.”
    “Well, as soon as we can make it down the drive, we’ll be there,” Will continued. “Scarlett said she had some work piling up, and with the flight cancellations and re-routings because of the storm, she said she really needs to get there as soon as possible.”
    “It’s good to know she cares so much about her job and the airport,” Jake remarked. He had assumed Scarlett just wanted to marry a rich guy. Maybe she wasn’t so bad after all. Will did seem to really be taken with her.
    “Jake, I told you. She’s awesome,” Will said. Jake could detect a hint of worry in his voice, though.
    “She still thinks you are buying the airport?” Jake ventured.
    “Yes, I’m pretty sure. We don’t really talk about it, but she makes a comment every once in awhile that makes me know that’s what she believes,” Will worried.
    “I get where you’re coming from Will. I think we should clear all of this up later today. I don’t want to come off as dishonest, and I’m going to need to clear some things up with

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