Reluctantly Famous

Read Online Reluctantly Famous by Heather Leigh - Free Book Online

Book: Reluctantly Famous by Heather Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Leigh
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, hollywood, love, Celebrity, famous, actor, fame, paparazzi
Mom and Dad drill Drew with
questions about his newest movie, which has been talked about as an
Oscar contender for awards season. My good luck only lasts until
    “ Allie, Mom said you’re
not going back to B.C. next semester, is that true?”
    Seriously, if looks could kill, my brother
would be dead right now. “Mom, I asked you not to say anything.” I
know I sound whiney and petulant, but I could care less.
    “ We just care about you
    I want to yell at my mom, to sneer and tell
her to back off. My family really does mean well, though. I’m lucky
to have people who give a shit.
    “ I know, Mom. I just… B.C.
wasn’t a good fit for me, okay?” I practically choke on the tears
that threaten to fall. Somehow, I manage to hold them back, but
barely. A ripple of guilt shudders down my body, starting on my
scalp, raising every single hair until it hits my toes. I should
tell them, lean on them, use the support they’re offering. But I
won’t. My pain shouldn’t be their burden, especially Drew. He would
outright kill Tony White, no doubt in my mind. I much prefer my
brother out of jail.
    The look on my face must be pretty horrific,
because no one presses me for more information.
    “ I’m… I’m going to go
upstairs.” Before anyone can stop me, I bolt for my room. My chest
feels tight, as if an elephant is pressing down on it, making it
hard to breathe. The only thing I can do is curl up into a little
ball on the bed and pray that it goes away.
    I must have fallen asleep, because the next
thing I know, my bed is sagging under the weight of another person,
and a hand gently rubs my back.
    “ Allie, what’s going
    “ I don’t know what you
mean,” I say from under the thick blankets I’ve piled on top of
    “ Come up here and sit with
me. I haven’t seen you in what, a few months?”
    Reluctantly, I leave my warm cocoon,
throwing off the covers to sit with my back against the huge white
headboard of my bed. A bed bought by my brother, to fit the new
house because he wanted us safe from his fans. I laugh to myself at
the irony of it all. Drew moved us to this huge house to keep us
safe, and the second I left it, I was exposed and vulnerable.
    “ What’s so
    “ Oh, I didn’t know I
laughed out loud. Nothing’s funny.”
    “ Then what is
    My eyes fill with tears when I see the way
Drew is looking at me. He’s worried, really worried. I hate that.
He did everything he could to protect us, but Mom is still stalked
at work and I was still attacked at school. Never in a million
years did I think my brother’s job would impact our lives so
    “ I can’t tell you,
    “ Can’t or won’t.” His face
twists with my betrayal. “We’ve always been close, Al. Don’t shut
me out.”
    That’s all it takes to send me over the
edge. I start sobbing, great big ugly, heaving sobs. Drew gathers
me up in his arms and just holds me. Lets me cry until I’m spent,
snotty and wet and gross.
    “ I’m sorry,” I
    “ Don’t be sorry to need
me. Ever. Are you quitting school?”
    “ I don’t know.” For some
reason, I don’t want to mention applying to pharmacy school.
Probably because I can’t take the disappointment if I don’t get
    “ I’m looking for a new
assistant. Why don’t you take some time off and work with
    I smile for the first time all night. “What
happened to Kelly?”
    Drew groans. “God she was awful. I couldn’t
work with her anymore. I found out she was using my name to get all
kinds of perks for herself.” His body stiffens underneath me. “If I
can’t trust her, I can’t work with her.”
    If there’s one thing my brother is big on,
it’s trust. “Yeah, well, I can’t say I’m sad. She was a bitch,” I
    “ I have to say I’m
surprised you feel that way. Why didn’t you say anything?” Drew’s
eyebrows are arched high, waiting for my answer.
    I shrug, which is difficult to do

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