Reign of Madness (Revised Edition)

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Book: Reign of Madness (Revised Edition) by Kel Kade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kel Kade
Tags: Fantasy, Ficion
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not at war.”
    A shadow passed behind the woman’s eyes. “There is always an
enemy,” she replied cryptically.
    “Why do you want to be a warrior, Reaylin? Is it to protect
people or to kill them?” Rezkin asked seriously.
    “What do you mean?” Reaylin asked uncomfortably.
    “A warrior serves two purposes – to kill or to
protect. Sometimes you must kill in order to protect, but not every warrior
cares to protect at all. Some are simply in it for the killing,” Rezkin explained.
    “Well, I want to protect, of course,” Reaylin said casually,
though without conviction.
    “Are you sure that is true, Reaylin?” Rezkin asked.
    The young woman shrugged. “I hadn’t really thought about it.
I just know I want to be a warrior.”
    “But why do you want to be a warrior, Reaylin?”
Rezkin pressed.
    She lifted her chin again. “I need to prove myself.”
    “To whom ?” Rezkin asked. “It is not to the army. They
do not care one way or the other. It is not to you . You do not even know
what kind of warrior you wish to be. So, to whom are you trying to prove
    Reaylin clamped her mouth shut. Rezkin shook his head and
said, “You need to be focused, Reaylin. You must determine your objective. Know
your purpose. Recognize your talents and capitalize on them. If you live your
life for the sole purpose of seeking the approval of others, you will live no
life at all. You will indubitably fail, for if that person cannot appreciate
you for who you are, then he or she will never truly appreciate you at all. You
will always be trying to prove yourself, and it will never be enough. Do
not dismiss your healing abilities so quickly, Reaylin,” Rezkin continued. “It
is a talent many of us could only wish to have.”
    “Would you ?” she asked disbelievingly.
    “Of course,” Rezkin replied truthfully.
    Reaylin’s stubbornness showed through once again, though, as
she said, “Well, if I could somehow give it to you, I would.”
    Rezkin maintained his smile as he winked playfully, “I will
hold you to that.”
    Reaylin blushed and returned his smile. A sudden impulse
grabbled hold of her, and Reaylin leaned forward and kissed Rezkin full on the
lips. The kiss only lasted a moment before she pulled back in surprise at her
own actions. Rezkin had actually been caught off guard. He had been watching
the young woman for weapons and any threatening moves and had not really
considered the possibility that she might kiss him. When she leaned forward, in
the split second that he realized what was happening, he thought she would kiss
him on the cheek as he had seen other people do when thanking someone. Rezkin
had learned from watching the plays in Kaibain that kissing someone on the
mouth was not appropriate if he or she was in an established relationship with
another, as Rezkin was with Frisha.
    Reaylin turned bright red in embarrassment and then realized
this was her chance. She smiled suggestively and batted her eyes as she asked,
“Do you have anything else that needs my talents and attention, Rezkin?”
    What is it with these women? Rezkin thought to himself.
Nothing his masters had taught him indicated that women were typically so
forward or willing . He was beginning to wonder if he was doing something
wrong. Was he unintentionally propositioning them somehow? Did something in his
speech or manner imply that he was looking to make a marriage contract or
produce an heir? He was suddenly very glad he had Frisha to fill that
role, and he did not need to worry about figuring out any of these other women.
Frisha was… solid …and virtually harmless…and mentally stable. If he were
not sure they were already dead, he would thank whoever was in charge of
assigning his friends . They had done him a great service in selecting
Frisha to be his Girl Friend . He shuddered at the thought of Shiela or
even Reaylin in the role.
    Rezkin abruptly stood and bowed courteously toward the young
woman. “I had best be going.

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