Regan's Reach 2: Orbital Envy
For him at least, Leah Morgan was a No Go Zone. He mused on that ruefully but still couldn't keep his eyes off her as she moved about the generous room.
    "So what's your room like Butch?" she asked.
    "Just like this. More than I expected actually. Everything works which is a change. No mini bar or anything to eat or drink, but Peter, he's the liaison guy; he said he'd explain our options after we'd cleaned up. He let me look in on his own place as we passed. It's like a small apartment. When I commented that I was surprised, you know what he said? He said, of course this is an apartment, this is my home, like it was permanent or something." Butch sounded shocked.
    "Well perhaps it is . . ." Leah looked thoughtful, "his long term home I mean. This place is huge and getting bigger by the day. Regan said there are even children here. Her son and her brother's children, and they're gearing up for more. This is going to be a community."
    "She has a son? Huh, the big guy's I guess." Butch paused, thinking, "Sex with an alien, wonder what that's like?"
    "Well, as you were saying today, you've always been Butch, maybe you'd like it, and he seems like a nice guy." She kept a poker face until he made a grab for her towel.
    "Morgan if you spread that crap I'll eject you into vacuum." he groaned and covered his face with his hands. "What the fuck was I thinking?" She laughed and headed back to the bathroom to put on the ship suit provided. He continued talking, calling through the door. "So, what was she like?"
    "I like her, and you will too if you can just keep that massive ego under control. She's self made Butch, not some Bimbo. Don't be such a chauvinist and you'll get on fine."
    "Pick up any good intel?"
    She came back into the room and glared at him. "No, and I'm not here for that. You should drop that thinking too, quick smart or you'll be on the first shuttle out of here. We're here to learn yes, and build good relations. But I am not a spy . . . are you?"
    "Shit no, but I am military, I'm naturally interested, what's wrong with that?"
    "Nothing I guess, but sometimes our interest seems less like a partner and more like a predator. We're in space Butch; it's really cold out there. It's not about who's in the lead here it's about who's prepared to work beside you." She paused, "Butch, think about it, we need them more than they need us. Be nice."
    A loud buzz sounded from somewhere and they looked around. Leah spoke first. "Halloo?"
    "Leah, it's Regan, something's come up and I thought you and hotshot might like to be involved. It's a real space rescue, what do you say?"
    Butch raised his eyebrows and nodded enthusiastically.
    "Do we want to be involved? Wow, has hotshot always been butch? Of course we would. What do we do?" She felt a sharp thump and rubbed her shoulder furiously.
    "Head down to the USD flight deck and I'll pick you up from there in fifteen minutes. I'll tell you about all the excitement then."
    "It's a date Regan." She turned back to Butch excitedly. He just looked at her. She spread her arms questioningly . . . "What?"
    He stood and headed for the door. "Come on, we don't want to miss your date now do we?"
    Although they'd seen an interceptor before on screen, to be walking up to one was intimidating. Sections of the top of The STEIN, the two interceptors, each a huge curved wing spanning twenty six meters tip to tip and twelve meters from nose to tail, had undeniable presence. The intimidating aspect of their look came partly from the shape, but mostly from the featureless, windowless surface. Matt black, looking like segments cut out of a sphere, which they were, the interceptors were unsettling. Not much more could be said. Adding to their unease was the view from a distance; it appeared to be floating above the surface of the deck. A section of the rear wall irised open as they approached and they stepped up nervously, like schoolchildren on their first school trip. Butch bounced on the floor, amazed

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